I had quite a large number of people reply privately to me on this (see below), but a singular lack of vendors (just one) who had anything to say on the subject. So, before I conclude that there is only one vendor in the world that supports L2TPv3 at anything close to gigabit speeds, I thought I'd ask again, more explicitly: If there are any vendors interested in selling L2TPv3 boxes, and they'd like the list of potential customers who have sent me mail about this to find out about them, then they should feel free to send me a sentence or two about what their boxes can do so I can pass the information on. Suggestions and recommendations from operators would be also wildly good to hear. Thanks! Begin forwarded message:
From: Joe Abley [mailto:jabley@isc.org] Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 11:05 AM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: L2TPv3 encaps performance
Someone asked me the other day if I could recommend some L2TPv3 tunnel termination devices which might be capable of encaps/de-encaps of traffic which bursts near to 1Gbit/s (e.g. with GE uplinks to a core/transport network, and GE interfaces for hand-off towards the subscriber). Application is providing transparent/pseudowire wide-area ethernet transport service over a routed-IP but non-LDP-capable core.
This didn't sound like a particularly hard question, but I couldn't find any performance numbers on L2TPv3 edge boxes anywhere. What boxes exist that can do this stuff at gig speeds?
Replies off-list would be fine, I can summarise if there's interest.
participants (1)
Joe Abley