SBC forcing new contract on ISPs If I'm reading this correctly, SBC is forcing ISPs that resell SBC's DSL access to go with PPPoE over ATM, thus potentially forcing businesses to buy DSL net access from SBC directly. Am I way off base? Anyone know more about this situation who can comment? -C --------------------------- Christopher A. Woodfield PGP Public Key:

There are two issues with the new SBC contract that are of concern to me. One is that the new contract allows SBC to provide us (the ISP) with a single PPPoE stream with which to provide DSL Internet service, while allowing SBC to sell any number of other services over the same DSL circuit. This wouldn't be a huge problem, except for two things: we are not given the opportunity to also sell other services over that DSL circuit, and we are also made responsible for billing the DSL circuit to the customer. So in effect, SBC is reserving the right to market their own private services over a DSL circuit that we, in fact, own. The other issue is actually of greater concern to me. They are planning to force me to convert all of my existing DSL customers to PPPoE. They are all currently configured with bridging, using Cisco RBE. It would not only be hopelessly disruptive to convert all of those customers to PPPoE, it is physically impossible in some cases. So the upshot is that I won't sign a contract that forces me to do something impossible, and certainly against by business interests.
If I'm reading this correctly, SBC is forcing ISPs that resell SBC's DSL access to go with PPPoE over ATM, thus potentially forcing businesses to buy DSL net access from SBC directly.
Am I way off base? Anyone know more about this situation who can comment?
--------------------------- Christopher A. Woodfield
PGP Public Key:
-- Bruce Robertson, President/CEO +1-775-348-7299 Great Basin Internet Services, Inc. fax: +1-775-348-9412 For PGP key: finger

Educate me: are you not at this time billing the customer for the local loop? Here in VZ territory, the cost of the local loop lease from VZ and the DSLAM access from Covad (in your case, SBC provides both of these, right?) are both rolled into the standard monthly fee from my ISP. Is this not how it's done in SBC land? -C
opportunity to also sell other services over that DSL circuit, and we are also made responsible for billing the DSL circuit to the customer. So in
-- --------------------------- Christopher A. Woodfield PGP Public Key:

Under the existing contract, we were given the choice, and it makes no significant difference. We chose to allow SBC (ASI, actually) to bill the customer for the loop, so that we would not have to worry about the $125 early cancellation fee. That would be between ASI and the customer. The new contract forces us to bill for the circuit, which I don't have a problem with, especially since the early cancellation fee has gone away. The issue is that ASI wants to have the exclusive right to offer other services over that circuit that *I* own.
Educate me: are you not at this time billing the customer for the local loop? Here in VZ territory, the cost of the local loop lease from VZ and the DSLAM access from Covad (in your case, SBC provides both of these, right?) are both rolled into the standard monthly fee from my ISP. Is this not how it's done in SBC land?
-- Bruce Robertson, President/CEO +1-775-348-7299 Great Basin Internet Services, Inc. fax: +1-775-348-9412 For PGP key: finger

I can't speak for Bruce's situation, but in San Jose, if you're using a competitive ISP, (e.g., not the SBC/PBI inhouse ISP arm), you get two bills. a bill from your ISP for "internet access", and a fee rolled onto the bill of the POTS line the DSL is a "Service" on. D At 2:36 PM -0400 6/25/01, Christopher A. Woodfield wrote:
Educate me: are you not at this time billing the customer for the local loop? Here in VZ territory, the cost of the local loop lease from VZ and the DSLAM access from Covad (in your case, SBC provides both of these, right?) are both rolled into the standard monthly fee from my ISP. Is this not how it's done in SBC land?
opportunity to also sell other services over that DSL circuit, and we are also made responsible for billing the DSL circuit to the customer. So in
-- +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | "Conan! What is best in life?" | | Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them | | | driven before you, and to hear the | | | lamentation of their women!" | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+

At 11:23 AM -0700 6/25/01, Bruce Robertson wrote:
So the upshot is that I won't sign a contract that forces me to do something impossible, and certainly against by business interests.
... so then your contract expires, and only SBC remains. This hurts SBC precisely how, again? Not faulting you, in fact I applaud your stance, but let's not harbor any delusions that your stance will do anything but benefit SBC. The more people who end their SBC contracts that way, the more DSL customers are suddenly beached looking for a quick reinstall, something you can bet SBC will be poised to provide. D -- +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | "Conan! What is best in life?" | | Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them | | | driven before you, and to hear the | | | lamentation of their women!" | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+

You're right, but what can I do? I will lose my customers if they are forced to switch to PPPoE. So SBC wins either way. As the article mentions, this will likely end up in a courtroom somewhere.
At 11:23 AM -0700 6/25/01, Bruce Robertson wrote:
So the upshot is that I won't sign a contract that forces me to do something impossible, and certainly against by business interests.
... so then your contract expires, and only SBC remains.
This hurts SBC precisely how, again?
Not faulting you, in fact I applaud your stance, but let's not harbor any delusions that your stance will do anything but benefit SBC. The more people who end their SBC contracts that way, the more DSL customers are suddenly beached looking for a quick reinstall, something you can bet SBC will be poised to provide.
-- +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | "Conan! What is best in life?" | | Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them | | | driven before you, and to hear the | | | lamentation of their women!" | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+
-- Bruce Robertson, President/CEO +1-775-348-7299 Great Basin Internet Services, Inc. fax: +1-775-348-9412 For PGP key: finger

Also sprach Derek Balling
At 11:23 AM -0700 6/25/01, Bruce Robertson wrote:
So the upshot is that I won't sign a contract that forces me to do something impossible, and certainly against by business interests.
... so then your contract expires, and only SBC remains.
This hurts SBC precisely how, again?
It hurts them big time when the state Utilities Commission looks at the situation and starts asking why on earth all of these ISPs are suddenly exiting the DSL marketplace. It will particularly hurt them if one or more of the ISPs files a formal complaint with the Utility Commission. -- Jeff McAdams Email: Head Network Administrator Voice: (502) 966-3848 IgLou Internet Services (800) 436-4456

At 2:49 PM -0400 6/25/01, Jeff Mcadams wrote:
This hurts SBC precisely how, again?
It hurts them big time when the state Utilities Commission looks at the situation and starts asking why on earth all of these ISPs are suddenly exiting the DSL marketplace. It will particularly hurt them if one or more of the ISPs files a formal complaint with the Utility Commission.
Hahahahahaha... you've obviously never dealt with the California PUC. A more useless group more firmly in the pockets of the utilities themselves I have never seen. D -- +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | "Conan! What is best in life?" | | Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them | | | driven before you, and to hear the | | | lamentation of their women!" | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+

Derek Balling <> wrote:
you've obviously never dealt with the California PUC.
A more useless group more firmly in the pockets of the utilities themselves I have never seen.
I've never dealt with the California PUC yet....but in Alaska, it's called the RCA, for Regulatory Commision of Alaska, and has challenged the term "clueless". I'm wondering if there are any PUC commision members with any real understanding ? /Dee

At 6:20 PM -0800 6/25/01, Dee McKinney wrote:
I've never dealt with the California PUC yet....but in Alaska, it's called the RCA, for Regulatory Commision of Alaska, and has challenged the term "clueless". I'm wondering if there are any PUC commision members with any real understanding ?
Yes. There are some midwest states who do (or at least, "did" when I worked for GTE TelOps) ... they proceeded from the principle of "If a PUC person is dealing with this, whether $COMPLAINANT is right or wrong, $UTILITY is paying us $SOME_HOURLY_RATE for the clerk's time in dealing with it"... GTE has (or at least had) a "cash buyout" that reps were capable of giving (at the time, it was up to $500, with $1000 on supervisor approval) ... so obviously the hourly "fine/rate" even for claims where the utility was "right" was high enough to justify such. :) D -- +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | | "Conan! What is best in life?" | | Derek J. Balling | "To crush your enemies, see them | | | driven before you, and to hear the | | | lamentation of their women!" | +---------------------+-----------------------------------------+

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Derek Balling wrote:
you've obviously never dealt with the California PUC.
A more useless group more firmly in the pockets of the utilities themselves I have never seen.
Perhaps, but if they try to pull that crap in Ohio, they'll get spanked by PUCO. (Again.) -- LLC - Steve "Web Dude" Sobol, CTO - Donate a portion of your monthly ISP bill to your favorite charity or non-profit organization! E-mail me for details.

Once upon a time, Christopher A. Woodfield <> said:
If I'm reading this correctly, SBC is forcing ISPs that resell SBC's DSL access to go with PPPoE over ATM, thus potentially forcing businesses to buy DSL net access from SBC directly.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how PPPoA forces businesses to buy DSL elsewhere. -- Chris Adams <> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

What I meant, and probably should have worded more clearly, is that by forcing DSL ISPs to use PPPoE which from what I understand is a consumer technology, SBC is the only provider who can offer other services over the DSL pair, such as ATM service or voice/video over IP. -C On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 01:35:59PM -0500, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Christopher A. Woodfield <> said:
If I'm reading this correctly, SBC is forcing ISPs that resell SBC's DSL access to go with PPPoE over ATM, thus potentially forcing businesses to buy DSL net access from SBC directly.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how PPPoA forces businesses to buy DSL elsewhere. -- Chris Adams <> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
-- --------------------------- Christopher A. Woodfield PGP Public Key:

On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, Chris Adams wrote:
Once upon a time, Christopher A. Woodfield <> said:
If I'm reading this correctly, SBC is forcing ISPs that resell SBC's DSL access to go with PPPoE over ATM, thus potentially forcing businesses to buy DSL net access from SBC directly.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how PPPoA forces businesses to buy DSL elsewhere.
If you've currently got a pvc mapped to each customer, and then that capability is taken away, you will have problems if your "enhanced" offering doesn't play well with PPPoE. There's a number of negatives for the ISP, and few positives: -Billing for the DSL pipe (not IP) is moved from the customer's phone bill to the ISP. Have to rework your billing system, assume collections, etc. -PPPoE is not inherently evil, but some solutions work better without it. Perhaps some people are selling an ADSL 'small business package' and they've placed a small ethernet-ethernet router and/or firewall between the ADSL bridge and the customer's LAN. The ISP then needs to ditch that (possibly pricey) equipment and put something in that support PPPoE. Multiply by the number of customers... $$$$ -SBC controls the Redback or whatever they are using for PPPoE aggregation. That means that if SBC does not manage it well (too many people, bad sw load, frequent 'maintenance'), you lose any performance/reliability advantage you had. I put more trust in the ATM switches 'just working' than I put in the PPPoE aggregator 'just working'. This advantage may be how you cost-justify your services to your customers. Lose the advantage, lose the customer. -SBC may choose to offer features on the PPPoE aggregator to themselves before they let you have it. They may impose limits on what you can do as far as number of simultaneous connections/pcs that again clash with your current offering. The list goes on... Charles
-- Chris Adams <> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
participants (8)
Bruce Robertson
Charles Sprickman
Chris Adams
Christopher A. Woodfield
Dee McKinney
Derek Balling
Jeff Mcadams
Steven J. Sobol