Justin, Try the following web pointer maintained by the good folks at the National Lab for Advanced Network Research (NLANR). http://www.nlanr.net/NA/Learn/packetsizes.html Lots of useful recent and historical information there (most recent is a packet distribution recorded as of 6/25/97). The average packet size passed 250 bytes over a year ago, and still seems to be rising although I haven't calculated the exact value. Prabhu Kavi IP Business Marketing Manager Ascend Communications prabhu.kavi@ascend.com 508-952-1047 ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Packet size data Author: "Justin W. Newton" <justin@priori.net> at smtplink Date: 8/11/97 11:23 AM Hi, Does anyone have any /recent/ information on the breakdown of packet sizes crossing the net right now? I have seen some of the older data, but am interested in whether or not the percentages are changing over time, and if so, how. I.e. I could see people moving from interactive services such as telnet for reading mail and news to going to a client based system would up the packet sizes. Likewise, the use of some of the streaming video and audio applications out there might lower it again. In my mind, recent is anything that has been done in the last 6 months or so. ************************************************************** Justin W. Newton voice: +1-415-482-2840 Senior Network Architect fax: +1-415-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net Legislative and Policy Director, ISP/C http://www.ispc.org "The People You Know. The People You Trust." **************************************************************
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