RE: abusereporting (was Re: Monumentous task of making a list)

Hi Mikael, Aside from the standardization issue, some of the problems with reports as they stand are that they can be routed to the wrong people, there is no clear way of verifying the authenticity of the data, and the sheer number of reports can inundate a given abuse helpdesk such that they are tempted not to take any action at all. Having a standardized report format is a great idea. In our experience information needs to come from a trusted source or people are less likely to act on the information provided. We've also found it helpful to submit the reports to the ASN maintainers (ISPs) using real-time BGP routing table information to determine who is responsible for a given netblock rather than relying on archaic whois data. The reports are also rolled up into concise summaries where possible so as not to inundate AS maintainers with unnecessary data. If you'd like to quickly determine who is routing a given IP address, you can send your queries to the CYMRU whois server. More information about it can be found here: Members of NSP-SEC receive reports on a weekly or ad-hoc basis summarizing what others are seeing emanating from their networks. The reports are in turn processed by many, such that ISPs can alert their own customers and downstreams of potential problems. A summary of what types of reports are submitted can be found here: We agree that having a timestamp is crucial to problem resolution, most preferably in GMT. We accompany all IP numbers with an ASN which is used to route the report to the appropriate network boundary. All reports receive a context quantifying and providing a scope around the data. Cheers, Steve, for Team Cymru. -- Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 10:43:11 +0100 (CET) From: Mikael Abrahamsson <> Subject: abusereporting (was Re: Monumentous task of making a list) On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
The problem with trojans etc is that there so damn many of them, so the less time spent actually tracking down the user who was on IP X at time Y, the better it is for the ISP's staffers who handle complaints about these.
I have asked about this before. Wouldnt it be very nice if there was a standardized way to report IP-number and timestamp and type of complaint? I've seen something produced by some workgroup (RIPE?) but that was a huge document about XML and it seemed non-trivial to implement. I was more into the idea of having basically email headers like: X-ABUSEREPORT-IP: <ip> X-ABUSEREPORT-DATE: <unix timestamp> X-ABUSEREPORT-TYPE: <spam|abuse|ddos|other> This should make it trivial for most automated tools to append this (spambouncer etc) and make it much easier for the abuse system to do a user lookup before presenting the abuse email to the handler, even providing the user email address so the handler can take action. - -- Mikael Abrahamsson email:

On Sun, 8 Feb 2004, Stephen Gill wrote:
Hi Mikael,
Aside from the standardization issue, some of the problems with reports as they stand are that they can be routed to the wrong people, there is no clear way of verifying the authenticity of the data, and the sheer number of reports can inundate a given abuse helpdesk such that they are tempted not to take any action at all.
----- snip ----- I hesitate to post anything on this thread, but figured the comments would likely outweigh any flames sent my direction. I'll start by saying this is operational, but only tangentially. At one time I was one of the folks running a moderately large corporate network. These days I'm in grad school at GA Tech. While I'm there I'm getting my MBA and happen to be competing in business plan competitions. Starting in the Fall, with a group of classmates, I've been working on a concept called AbuseButler ( to tackle many of the issues that have come up in this thread. While it is mostly an academic exercise at this point, we'd love to see it have some small-scale commercial success. A functional prototype currently exists, but some features that would be nice to have are completely lacking still. The essential concept is a follows: - Network operators are overwhelmed by the volume of spam and abuse notifications they receive each day. - The variety of formats reports come in is troublesome as it means each one needs human interpretation to be fully understood (garbage in / garbage out) - The folks submitting reports often aren't as clueful as we'd all like, thus they often contact the wrong networks. (crying wolf syndrome) To address these issues we're building a central notification clearing house. Subscriber networks would forward a copy of all abuse@, postmaster@, and other role accounts to our centralized parsing system. The centralized parsing system handles a number of tasks: - Automatically parse standard format messages (SpamCop, myNetWatchman, a native format, etc...) If the message cannot be parsed and appears to come from an actual user respond asking them to reply using the native format (send an empty template). Low-level pseudo-AI would be nice to attempt to parse free form messages and respond to the submitter with an is the correct message instead of a please fill this out message. - Once the data is parsed a number of things take place such as: --- Is the address source address actually from the network contacted (if not send polite brush off message) --- Aggregate a duplicate reports and assign a problem weight (i.e. one entry instead 300 SpamCop messages about the same open relay). --- Templated output to make the information usable to non-English speakers. Instead of dealing with all sorts of free form messages you simply point your abuse desk folks at an abuse dashboard listing the items with the highest scores. Feel free to bash away, but remember, this project started out purely as a proof of concept for a business plan competition, not the technical solution to all the world's spam and abuse troubles. Think any large abuse desks would subscribe to such a solution? Would they accept the ASP model or want to run it in-house? If anybody is interested in more detail I'd be happy to follow-up directly, make available a copy of the existing business plan for comments, etc... -- Andy Warner
participants (2)
Andy Warner
Stephen Gill