Blargh, Foo, Sabotage, and an RS/6000

Sorry to change the current topic of interest & digress into a plea for help, BUT.... I'm looking for a little time (probably less than 12 hours total on-line) on an RS/6000 (AIX). I'm willing to talk $$$, but don't need a long-term (ie: month) contract. Anyone have a box somewhere that I can get an account on? I need about 40Meg disk space and access to the "standard" C compiler. I might even be interested in buying one of these things if anyone has one for sale (relatively cheap & in working order). [BTW, the project that I need the account for has nothing to do with Foo, Blargh, OR Sabotage] Happily Consulting for NOs across NA, -abc \ Alan B. Clegg Just because I can \ Network Technologist does not mean I will. \, inc. \ <>
participants (1)
Alan B. Clegg