Re: Internet software development acceleration

At 10:26 AM 12/1/95, Eilish McCaffrey wrote:
I am a participant, as a 'listener', to the nanog. I understand its origins and also applaud how information is shared among 'competitive' entities ie ISPs. ... We are all working to build an optimal Internet infrasturcture and the software\web enablement techniques available might help accelerate capabilities\enhancements to market. If we chose to use this language 'toolkit' as a whole, which can be used for 'intranet' and I\S solutions as well, it might minimize the technological frustrations of today.
Any thoughts?
Eilish McCaffrey
Does this language toolkit contain terms such as: "I understand what you are saying..." "I respect your position, but I disagree with you on this point, ..." "In the spirit of cooperation, let's do this..."? If not, it won't help much. --Kent
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