I recall that when I was working in Bangalore, India, another multinational company (I think it was Siemens but I can't recall definitively) had to poison the vultures that consistently perched on their microwave dish to get reliable point to point. Given the complete non-regulation of spectrum out there, at least once we had another provider clash with our spectrum[1], forcing us to flip the dips until we found a clear one. However, when it worked, it was incredibly solid. Chocolate bars in India were usually melted already when you bought them. ;) [1] Sometimes they would clash physically with us when they mounted extra dishes on the tower in the downtown location - as in, some guy standing on our dish to mount his. -- Paul LANtinga Q9 Networks, Inc.
-----Original Message----- From: John Fraizer [mailto:nanog@Overkill.EnterZone.Net] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:21 PM To: Dee McKinney Cc: NANOG Subject: RE: Microwave...
We've got a customer on a DS3 microwave shot. It's been more reliable than their copper DS1 backup and has the added benefit of being able to melt hershey bars in nothing flat! (Old MCCES@MCAGCC29 joke)
--- John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Dee McKinney wrote:
If it's a commercial carrier grade shot, and it's been
engineered correctly,
and, and, and...... It should work fine as I have service on microwave that operates as good as our fiber.
-----Original Message----- From: Rodney Joffe [mailto:rjoffe@centergate.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:16 PM To: NANOG Subject: Microwave...
I' be interested in hearing about any operational experience the users on this list have had, such as issues and challenges with routing, reliability, etc., with the use of Microwave at DS3 or greater level....

* Paul Lantinga <prl@q9.com> [20010327 19:24]:
[1] Sometimes they would clash physically with us when they mounted extra dishes on the tower in the downtown location - as in, some guy standing on our dish to mount his.
Ouch! Wouldn't want to be that guy. -jr ---- Josh Richards [JTR38/JR539-ARIN] <jrichard@geekresearch.com/cubicle.net/fix.net/freedom.gen.ca.us> Geek Research LLC - <URL:http://www.geekresearch.com/> IP Network Engineering and Consulting
participants (2)
Josh Richards
Paul Lantinga