Earthlink/RIR1.ORG admin with a clue?

Hello, If a Earthlink/ hosting admin would care to contact me off-list since it appears the abuse department at earthlink does not understand what hosting a phishing site means. I am being asked for logs to "prove" something, yet the URL I supply which clearly brings someone to a phishing site is apparently not "proof". Thanks, Chris Conn

fix your mail filters and maybe someone might be able to respond to you. ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to
DATA <<< 550 5.7.1 Rejected (100.00) - Retry with Cc: for analysis 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
-Dan On Tue, 15 May 2012, Chris Conn wrote:
If a Earthlink/ hosting admin would care to contact me off-list since it appears the abuse department at earthlink does not understand what hosting a phishing site means. I am being asked for logs to "prove" something, yet the URL I supply which clearly brings someone to a phishing site is apparently not "proof".
Chris Conn
participants (2)
Chris Conn