We weren't talking about NTP, but primary refence clocks for telcom timing solutions. In message <Pine.GSO.4.00.9908201341040.15720-100000@dartboard.halachmi.net>, Al an Halachmi writes:
jerry>The little birdies tell me that some of this jerry>equipment failed its week rollover test the first jerry>time, but patches were quickly made. Hopefully all jerry>the telco's using the equipment read the engineering jerry>field notices....
That's interesting... NTP is supposed to be a "Y2K proof" timestamp because it operates on an absolute time reference. Right?
-- Alan Halachmi Wide Area Network Specialist | Co-Director of Ingram Entertainment Network Services | Undergraduate Computing mailto:alan@halachmi.net | Duke Student Government http://www.ingramentertainment.com | http://www.duke.edu/dsg/
--- jerry@fc.net Freeside/ Insync Internet, Inc.| 512-458-9810 | http://www.fc.net #include <sys/machine/wit/fortune.h>
participants (1)
Jeremy Porter