I would note that the FCC has an open proceeding to consider what compensation mechanism should apply to ISP bound traffic. The FCC originally concluded that ISP Bound traffic is interstate - normally recprical compensation applies only to local calls. Instead of saying reciprocal compensation does not apply, the FCC (a) affirmed all existing agreements and (b) said no rule exists for ISP bound traffic and therefore opened an inquiry to make a rule. The DC Circuit Vacated the FCC's conclusion that it was interstate traffic. In response, the FCC released a further notice requesting comments on what to do about ISP bound telecommunications in light of the Court's decision. This is an open administrative proceeding. Anyone can file comments. Comments can be filed online on the FCC's electronic comment filing system as easily as writing an e-mail. The Formal Comment period has closed - all that means is that when you file your comments, you need to check off the box that says this is an "ex parte" filing. The FCC generally continues to accept comments until the very last minute. The FCC is required by law to consider your opinion in its decision. More information on the proceeding can be found at http://www.cybertelecom.org/rcomp.htm#fcc Robert Cannon www.cybertelecom.org ______________________________________________ FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com Sign up at http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup
participants (1)
Robert Cannon