Post Hurricane Irma and Maria Mitigation Assessment Team Report

Today, FEMA published its Mitigation Assessment Team Report on the Hurricanes Irma and Maria impact on buildings, critical faciltiies, solar panels and other construction issues. Recommendation USVI-1a: USVI should adopt the latest hazard-resistant building codes and standards on a regular update cycle. Recommendation USVI-8: DPNR should consider hiring additional code enforcement staff. Recommendation USVI-14b: Homeowners should consider protecting the glazed window and door systems on their existing homes. Recommendation USVI-19: Develop and support a wind retrofit programs across USVI. Recommendation USVI-34a: Add specific design criteria for ground-mounted PV solar arrays and connections to ASCE 7-22 and reference them in other select codes. FEMA P-2021 | Mitigation Assessment Team Report: Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the U.S. Virgin Islands Building Performance Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance. In response to a request for technical support from the Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) Joint Field Office in St. Croix, FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration’s (FIMA) Building Science Branch deployed a Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) composed of national and regional experts to affected areas in St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, in October and November, 2017. The MAT was charged with evaluating damage from Hurricanes Irma and Maria, especially for buildings constructed or reconstructed after Hurricane Marilyn (1995), to identify both successful and unsuccessful mitigation techniques. This work involved: assessing the performance of residential, nonresidential, and critical facilities affected by the storms; evaluating the performance of photovoltaic (PV) facilities; investigating the effects of wind speed-up due to the islands’ topography on building performance; and meeting with residents and local officials to better understand what transpired during and after the storms.
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Sean Donelan