Re: spam whore,

At 11:45 AM 2/3/1999 -0800, Dan Hollis wrote:
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Dean Anderson wrote:
Unless of course the publicity is that Verio can't be trusted to keep private information private. Or that the publicity is that Verio thinks it can use any private information that passes through it to its own ends.
Now we see Dean's true motives. It isnt legal issues at all, but rather smear campaigns of people he doesnt agree with.
Calling me pro-spam is a smear. Smearing is when you switch from argument to hateful or false labeling. Smearing attempts to avoid the issues by name calling. Privacy laws were passed that apply to Verio. They apply to everyone. They apply to you, too. Smear all you want. It doesn't change that. --Dean ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plain Aviation, Inc LAN/WAN/UNIX/NT/TCPIP ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

At 14:59 2/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
Privacy laws were passed that apply to Verio. They apply to everyone. They apply to you, too. Smear all you want. It doesn't change that.
As has been said every time this issue is raised, if you are so sure that the laws apply, why don't you call your local US Attorney and have charges filed? Think of it! We'd all have to admit we were wrong and you were right! Microsoft Windows(tm): How much hair did you want to tear out today? Dean Robb PC-EASY computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]

In message <>, Dean Robb said:
At 14:59 2/3/99 -0500, you wrote:
Privacy laws were passed that apply to Verio. They apply to everyone. They apply to you, too. Smear all you want. It doesn't change that.
As has been said every time this issue is raised, if you are so sure that the laws apply, why don't you call your local US Attorney and have charges filed? Think of it! We'd all have to admit we were wrong and you were right!
Speaking of contacting the US Attorney, Mitch Dembin Assistant US Attorney will be speaking on this very topic at the upcoming ISPF. I invite anyone that would like this question answered once and for all to go and hear his session. jeffl -- Jeffrey F. Lawhorn |Internet Consulting, Custom Software Design Associates, Inc. |Connectivity Solutions, and 619-679-5900 voice |CGI programming. 619-679-2327 fax |T1's for $630/month Finger for PGP Public Key. Insist on Quality! WANet.Net is an ISP/C Member -
participants (3)
Dean Anderson
Dean Robb
Jeffrey F. Lawhorn