According to NSF/ANSNET data, 23 aggregates ALONG with its covered 898 specific routes are co-exist in the routing table now. If the ASs withdraws all these more specific routes, the routing table could be reduced by 898. Given the urgent need of reduce the routing table size, would these ASs withdraw those specific routes as soon as possible?
I tried. They told me that the forms and policy for removing more specific routes were not in place yet, and that there would be an announcement about it in a week or so. (I tried to remove 150 routes). I've got a few hundred more to do next week. -- Robert Hood hoodr@netcom.com 1-408-983-1510 System/Network Administrator for NETCOM On-line Communications Services, Inc.

According to NSF/ANSNET data, 23 aggregates ALONG with its covered 898 specific routes are co-exist in the routing table now. If the ASs withdraws all these more specific routes, the routing table could be reduced by 898. Given the urgent need of reduce the routing table size, would these ASs withdraw those specific routes as soon as possible?
I tried. They told me that the forms and policy for removing more specific routes were not in place yet, and that there would be an announcement about it in a week or so. (I tried to remove 150 routes). I've got a few hundred more to do next week.
Bob, You just need to stop advertising those more specific routes if you have already advertised the aggregate that covers them. It will do the job of reducing the routing table. --jessica

And is only downside is that anyone not doing BGP4 he won't be able to talk to at all. Maybe you could help him a little bit and tell him who that might be. Marty
You just need to stop advertising those more specific routes if you have already advertised the aggregate that covers them. It will do the job of reducing the routing table.

Robert Hood writes:
According to NSF/ANSNET data, 23 aggregates ALONG with its covered 898 specific routes are co-exist in the routing table now. If the ASs withdraws all these more specific routes, the routing table could be reduced by 898. Given the urgent need of reduce the routing table size, would these ASs withdraw those specific routes as soon as possible?
I tried. They told me that the forms and policy for removing more specific routes were not in place yet, and that there would be an announcement about it in a week or so. (I tried to remove 150 routes). I've got a few hundred more to do next week.
-- Robert Hood hoodr@netcom.com 1-408-983-1510 System/Network Administrator for NETCOM On-line Communications Services, Inc.
Why dont you just stop announcing them ? --pushpendra Pushpendra Mohta pushp@cerf.net +1 619 455 3908 Director of Engineering pushp@sdsc.bitnet +1 800 876 2373 CERFNet

Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 10:57:25 PDT From: hoodr@netcom.com (Robert Hood) To: Jessica Yu <jyy@merit.edu> CC: epg@merit.edu, bgpd@merit.edu, regional-techs@merit.edu
According to NSF/ANSNET data, 23 aggregates ALONG with its covered 898 spe cific routes are co-exist in the routing table now. If the ASs withdraws all th ese more specific routes, the routing table could be reduced by 898. Given the urg ent need of reduce the routing table size, would these ASs withdraw those spec ific routes as soon as possible?
I tried. They told me that the forms and policy for removing more specific routes were not in place yet, and that there would be an announcem ent about it in a week or so. (I tried to remove 150 routes). I've got a few hundred more to do next week.
Well... Regionals/mid-levels have always been able to delete net announcements, but the CIDR deployment raised the same sort of issue which had been raised previously when "silent nets" had been discussed: how about a way of deleting nets from the routing configuration files without removing the information from the PRDB, since we might reconfigure more-specific information soon? A normal delete is fine, and we are [read: "I am" ;-) ] finishing the implementation of the use of a "no configure" flag in the file generation (it'll be done for next Mon/Tues's config run). If you'd like to have your original 150 nets removed by hand before Tues. AM, please send them and I'll take care of it; looking at the current situation, it's probably a good thing to do.
-- Robert Hood hoodr@netcom.com 1-408-983-1510 System/Network Administrator for NETCOM On-line Communications Services, I nc.
Steve Richardson/Merit
participants (5)
Jessica Yu
Martin Lee Schoffstall
Pushpendra Mohta
Steven J. Richardson