IETF agenda and administrivia

Apologies to those who I know have seen this already. - - - - Begin forwarded message - - - - To: Reply-To: From: Subject: IETF MAILING 2 (w/Agenda): March 16-20, 1992/San Diego Date: Mon, 06 Jan 92 14:46:14 -0500 Sender: Message-Id: <9201061446.aa03507@NRI.NRI.Reston.VA.US> Dear IETFers: This is the second mailing of logistics for the upcoming IETF (March 16-20, 1992/San Diego). You should READ THIS CAREFULLY as there are a number of important items. Please direct any questions to Included in this mailing are the following: 1. AT-A-GLANCE SHEET : A one page write-up of pertinent information (i.e., Dates, Registration Info., Hotel, Airline, Shuttle, etc.) 2. REGISTRATION FORM : We will accept payment by credit card and/or check. Please be sure to read the form carefully and provide complete information. 3. PRELIMINARY AGENDA: This Agenda is subject to frequent changes. If you do not find a particular working group listed, contact the Chair directly. Subsequent Agenda's will be posted to the mailing list on a regular basis. - ----- PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: 1. REGISTRATION: We must receive your REGISTRATION Form before or on February 14th, in order for you to qualify for the $130.00 registration fee. In other words, your payment MAY, but does NOT have to, accompany the FORM. Any Registration Forms received after February 14th will, without exception, require payment of $150.00. 2. HOTELS: Please MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS IMMEDIATELY, space is limited and San Diego will be hosting the Challenger Cup Races which serve as the trials for the America's Cup. I would encourage you to make reservations even if you are uncertain as to the exact dates you will be attending the IETF. Please keep in mind that it is far easier to cancel reservations, than it is to find a room at the last minute. The Hyatt Islandia will charge one nights room rate plus tax if you do not cancel your reservations 72 hours prior to previously confirmed arrival. FYI..... A reminder that the quality of these meetings (and in particular the Working Group technical *working* sessions) is dependent upon the informed, constructive participation of the individual attendees. Please come prepared. Information on the current status and progress of the individual Working Groups can be obtained in several ways: 1. Working Group objectives and notes from previous sessions are available online (send to for retrieval instructions). 2. Working Group objectives and notes from previous meetings are also reproduced in the hardcopy Proceedings (to order, send to 3. Agendas and reading lists for Working Group meetings will also be posted to the respective Working Group mailing lists. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SCHEDULING OF A PARTICULAR WORKING GROUP, PLEASE CONTACT THE CHAIR OF THAT GROUP DIRECTLY. A LISTING OF WORKING GROUP MAILING LISTS IS AVAILABLE VIA ANONYMOUS FTP, CD IETF, GET "1wg-summary.txt". LOOKING AHEAD.... The Summer 1992 IETF is scheduled for the week beginning July 13, 1992 in Boston. Our local host is MIT ================================================== 23RD INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE Mailing Date : 1/6/92 AT-A-GLANCE Mailing Number: 2 DATE: March 16-20, 1992 HOST(S): E. Paul Love, Jr. Hans Werner-Braun San Diego Supercomputer HOTEL/MEETING SITE: Hyatt Islandia On San Diego's Mission Bay 1441 Quivira Road San Diego, CA 92109-7898 Phone: (619) 224-1234 {fax: (619) 224-0348} CI 4:00 p.m.; CO 12:00 p.m. 200 Rooms reserved until February 14, 1992 $90.00/single; $90.00/double (please add 9% tax) Specify: IETF or 23rd Internet Engineering Task Force ALTERNATE ACCOM: TBD MESSAGES: A Message Board will be set up near the registration area. Please have all messages reference IETF Group. PRE-REGISTRATION: Sunday, March 15, 1992 6pm - 8pm (reception during) Hyatt Islandia Room: TBD REGISTRATION: Monday, March 16, 1992 8am - 9am Hyatt Islandia Room: TBD ATTENDANCE FEE: PAYMENT BY: Credit Card or Check $130.00 if received BY February 14, 1992 $150.00 if received AFTER February 14, 1992 AIRLINE: United Airlines (special rate roundtrip only) 1 (800) 521-4041 Meeting ID: 514VS (IETF) We regret that discounted fares are not available for international flights. CAR RENTAL: Hertz Discounts available through United. AIRPORT: Lindberg International Airport SHUTTLE: The Super Shuttle services the Hyatt Islandia from Lindberg International Airport. Current charge is $5.00 each way. PARKING: Hyatt Islandia: Complimentary for guests ======== REGISTRATION FORM 23rd Internet Engineering Task Force - Page 1 of 2 March 16 - 20, 1992 San Diego, CA Please print or type: Name (Mr/Dr/Ms)__________________________________________________________ Title____________________________________________________________________ Organization_____________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________State______________Zip Code___________ Telephone______________________________Fax_______________________________ Email____________________________________________________________________ Please check a) and b) below so we can identify your organization type and interest. a) Organization Type ___HW/SW Vendor ___Government ___Network Provider ___University ___Other (_______________________) b) Your interest in 23rd IETF Meeting: ___Network Operator ___Network User ___Product Developer ___Researcher ___Other (________________) Do you plan to attend the Sunday, March 15, 1992 evening reception? YES___ NO___ $130.00 Registration postmarked no later than February 14, 1992 (emailed forms must reflect a date no later than February 14, 1992). $150.00 ($130.00 + $20.00 late fee) Registration postmarked after February 14, 1992. Method of payment: ___AMEX ___VISA ___MC ___Diners ___Check enclosed (U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. Bank), payable to: Corporation for National Research Initiatives Account No.____________________________ Expiration Date__________________ Cardholder Signature_____________________________________________________ Please return a copy of the Registration Form today to take advantage of the reduced rate of $130.00 and mail to: Corporation for National Research Initiatives Accounting Department - 23rd IETF Meeting 1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100 Reston, VA 22091-5434 REGISTRATION FORM 23rd Internet Engineering Task Force - Page 2 of 2 March 16 - 20, 1992 San Diego, CA IMPORTANT: 1. Advance Registrations must be postmarked no later than February 14, 1992. 2. Register ONE person per form. Substitutions are not allowed. 3. Request for refunds must be received by March 13, 1992. 4. Refund policy: Refunds are subject to a $20.00 service charge. Late fees will not be refunded. 5. Your registration fee includes a copy of the Meeting's Proceedings, Sunday evening reception (cash bar), and a daily continental breakfast and coffee breaks. For additional information or assistance, please contact (703) 620-8990, (703) 620-0913 (Fax) or Direct all inquiries to: 23rd IETF meeting - San Diego. ========== Preliminary Agenda of the Twenty-Third IETF - as of 1/6/92 (March 16-20, 1992) MONDAY, March 16, 1992 8:00-9:00 am IETF Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00-9:30 am Introductions and Local Arrangements o Local Host Orientation (E. Paul Love, Jr./SDSC) 9:30-12:00 noon Morning Sessions APP Network Fax WG (Mark Needleman/UC) APP Network News Transport Protocol WG (Eliot Lear/Silicon Graphics) INT IP over Asynchronous Transfer Mode WG (Bob Hinden/BBN) MGT Internet Accounting WG (Cyndi Mills/BBN and Gregory Ruth/BBN) MGT X.25 Management Information Base WG (Dean Throop/Data General) OPS Network Status Reports (Phill Gross/ANS) OSI Network OSI Operations WG (Sue Hares/Merit) SEC Security Area Advisory Group (Stephen Crocker/TIS) USV User Services WG (Joyce Reynolds/ISI) Breaks Coffee available throughout morning. 1:30-3:30 pm Afternoon Sessions I APP Internet SMTP Extensions WG (John Klensin/MIT) OPS Operational Area Directorate (Susan Estrada/CERFnet, Phill Gross/ANS, Bernhard Stockman/NORDUnet) OSI Network OSI Operations WG (Sue Hares/Merit) RTG IP over Large Public Data Networks WG (George Clapp/Ameritech) SEC Common Authentication Technology WG (John Linn/DEC) TSV Dynamic Host Configuration WG (Ralph Droms/Bucknell) USV Network Information Services Infrastructure WG (April Marine/SRI and Pat Smith/Merit) 3:30-4:00 pm Break (Refreshments provided) 4:00-6:00 pm Afternoon Sessions II BOF Trunk MIB BOF (Fred Baker/ACC) APP Network News Transport Protocol WG (Eliot Lear/Silicon Graphics) MGT Remote LAN Monitoring WG (Mike Erlinger/Micro Technology) RTG IP over Large Public Data Networks WG (George Clapp/Ameritech) TUESDAY, March 17, 1992 8:30-9:00 am Continental Breakfast, No Morning Plenary 9:00-9:30 am Technical Presentations o "Copyright Laws" (Patrice Lyons, Esquire) 9:30-12:00 noon Morning Sessions APP Network Database WG (Daisy Shen/IBM) APP Telnet WG (Steve Alexander/INTERACTIVE Systems) INT IP over Asynchronous Transfer Mode WG (Bob Hinden/BBN) MGT Internet Accounting WG (Cyndi Mills/BBN and Gregory Ruth/BBN) MGT X.25 Management Information Base WG (Dean Throop/Data General) OPS User Connectivity Problems WG (Dan Long/BBN) OSI X.400 Operations WG (Alf Hansen/SINTEF DELAB and Rob Hagens/UWisc) TSV Audio/Video Transport WG (Stephen Casner/ISI) TSV Service Location Protocol WG (John Veizades/Apple) USV Internet User Glossary WG (Tracy LaQuey Parker/UTexas and Gary Malkin/FTP Software) Breaks Coffee available throughout morning. 1:30-3:30 pm Afternoon Sessions I APP Network Database WG (Daisy Shen/IBM) MGT Ethernet MIB WG (Frank Kastenholz/Clearpoint) OPS Operational Statistics WG (Phill Gross/ANS and Bernhard Stockman/NORDUnet) OSI X.400 Operations WG (Alf Hansen/SINTEF DELAB and Rob Hagens/UWisc) RTG IP over Large Public Data Networks WG (George Clapp/Ameritech) SEC Common Authentication Technology WG (John Linn/DEC) TSV Audio/Video Transport WG (Stephen Casner/ISI) TSV Dynamic Host Configuration WG (Ralph Droms/Bucknell) USV Internet School Networking WG (John Clement/EDUCOM, Connie Stout/TheNet and Art St. George/UNM) 3:30-4:00 pm Break (Refreshments provided) 4:00-6:00 pm Afternoon Sessions II APP Internet SMTP Extensions WG (John Klensin/MIT) INT IP over Appletalk WG (John Veizades/Apple) RTG IP over Large Public Data Networks WG (George Clapp/Ameritech) RTG Open Shortest Path First IGP WG (John Moy/Proteon) TSV Audio/Video Transport WG (Stephen Casner/ISI) 7:00-10:00 pm Evening Sessions BOF Living Documents BOF (Peter Deutsch/McGill and Alan Emtage/McGill) MGT Remote LAN Monitoring WG (Mike Erlinger/Micro Technology) WEDNESDAY, March 18, 1992 8:30-9:00 am Continental Breakfast 9:00-9:30 am Technical Presentations 9:30-12:00 noon Morning Sessions BOF RIP V2 Internet Draft BOF (Gary Malkin/FTP) APP Network Database WG (Daisy Shen/IBM) APP Network News Transport Protocol WG (Eliot Lear/Silicon Graphics) INT IP over Appletalk WG (John Veizades/Apple) INT IP over Asynchronous Transfer Mode WG (Bob Hinden/BBN) MGT IEEE 802.3 Hub MIB WG (Keith McCloghrie/Hughes and Donna McMaster/SynOptics) MGT Internet Accounting WG (Cyndi Mills/BBN and Gregory Ruth/BBN) OPS Benchmarking WG (Scott Bradner/Harvard) OSI X.400 Operations WG (Alf Hansen/SINTEF DELAB and Rob Hagens/UWisc) SEC Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail WG (Steve Kent/BBN) Breaks Coffee available throughout morning. 1:30-3:30 pm Afternoon Sessions I BOF IP Routing for Wireless/Mobile Hosts BOF (Steve Deering/Xerox) INT Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions WG (Brian Lloyd/Consultant) OPS Operational Statistics WG (Phill Gross/ANS and Bernhard Stockman/NORDUnet) OSI X.400 Operations WG (Alf Hansen/SINTEF DELAB and Rob Hagens/UWisc) SEC Privacy-Enhanced Electronic Mail WG (Steve Kent/BBN) TSV Domain Name System WG (Mike Reilly/DEC) USV Internet Anonymous FTP Archives WG (Peter Deutsch/McGill and Alan Emtage/McGill) 3:30-4:00 pm Break (Refreshments provided) 4:00-6:00 pm Technical Presentations RTG Multicast Extensions to OSPF WG (Steve Deering/Xerox PARC) 7:00-10:00pm Evening Session THURSDAY, March 19, 1992 8:30-9:00 am Continental Breakfast 9:00-12:00 noon Morning Sessions INT Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions WG (Brian Lloyd/Consultant) MGT Bridge MIB WG (Fred Baker/ACC) OPS User Connectivity Problems WG (Dan Long/BBN) OSI Office Document Architecture WG (Peter Kirstein/UCL) SEC Security Area Advisory Group (Stephen Crocker/TIS) TSV Dynamic Host Configuration WG (Ralph Droms/Bucknell) Breaks Coffee available throughout the morning. 1:30-3:30 pm Technical Presentations 3:30-4:00 pm Break (Refreshments provided) 4:00-6:00 pm Open Plenary and IESG o Protocol Standards Actions FRIDAY, March 20, 1992 8:30-9:00 am Continental Breakfast 9:00-12:00pm Technical Presentations 1:30-3:30 Summary Reports APP Applications Area (Russ Hobby/UC Davis) INT Internet Area (Noel Chiappa and Philip Almquist/Consultant) MGT Network Management Area (Chuck Davin/MIT) OPS Operations Area (Susan Estrada/CERFnet, Phill Gross/ANS, Bernhard Stockman/NORDUnet) OSI OSI Integration Area (Ross Callon/DEC) RTG Routing Area (Bob Hinden/BBN) SEC Security Area (Steve Crocker/TIS) TSV Transport and Services Area (Dave Borman/Cray Research) USV User Services Area (Joyce K. Reynolds/ISI) 3:30-4:00 pm Concluding Remarks (Phill Gross/ANS) 4:00 pm Adjourn Key to Abbreviations APP Applications Area BOF Birds of a Feather Session INT Internet Area MGT Network Management Area OSI OSI Integration Area OPS Operational Requirements Area RTG Routing Area SEC Security Area TSV Transport and Services Area USV User Services Area - - - - End forwarded message - - - -
participants (1)