Sincerely requesting help for my Doctoral Research

Dear Respected Participants of Nanog Greetings! I introduce myself as Ananth Chiravuri, a doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. As part of my doctoral dissertation, I am working on how best to come to a consensus when capturing knowledge, and am studying the effectiveness of two techniques. I am writing to request help because in order for my research to contribute meaningfully, I need the participation of real world experts and not students. The tasks that I have chosen relate to networking and therefore, I am looking for experts or professionals in network management or network design. (An expert would be anyone who has had more than 12-18 months of experience). The experiment will be conducted online using virtual teams and the time required may be at most 3-4 hours asynchronously (you can participate at your convenience). I am willing to customize the report to meet the requirements of your organization and anonymity of participants and the firms will be ensured. The results of this report will indicate an effective technique of capturing knowledge using virtual teams of experts. It may help your firm to use the technique to capture knowledge and come to a consensus at a much faster time, thus saving precious resources and time. Please kindly email me at or at if you are interested to participate. I am looking for a total of 50 members (10 teams of five each) for each technique (a total of 100 participants) and therefore, I sincerely request and would highly appreciate if each one of you (and your firms) could help me and give me some of your precious time. Most importantly, your participation will ensure support for academic research in a big manner. Thanking you all in advance. I apologize for any inconvenience, if caused. Happy Holidays! Regards ananth chiravuri Univ of Wisconsin Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Ananth wrote: As part of my doctoral dissertation, I am working on how best to come to a consensus when capturing knowledge, and am studying the effectiveness of two techniques. I am writing to request help because in order for my research to contribute meaningfully, I need the participation of real world experts and not students. Spend a few days reading nanog and you'll realize that there isnt a lot of expertise here on coming to consensus. I'd direct you to the ietf which has always been chartered as consensus-driven, but in my experience, thats not the case either. good luck, matt ghali<darwin>< The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
participants (2)
just me