Re: How to get better security people

Problem is, some feces for brains boss is always going to come along and tell you to do what you know is not in the best interest of security. And when the problem rears its ugly head, YOU take the heat, not the idiot who insisted you go against proper procedure.
All I can advise, is document, document, document, then when it does come down, and they point the fickle finger of fate at you, you can always produce the documentation that 'da bozz' made ya do it...
Hmm. Incredibly biased opinion follows...
A basic security mindset is a combination of paranoia, a talent for contingency planning, and an understanding of business need.
However, the paranoia must not be so extensive as to be crippling, the contingency planning must not be so obsessive as to be paralysing, and the understanding of business need should not interfere with the periodic difficult and unpopular decisions that must be made to protect the greater good.

A basic security mindset is a combination of paranoia, a talent for contingency planning, and an understanding of business need.
My suggestion was to include a couple of courses in the curriculum. 1. Engineering Ethics How to play fair Right and wrong, dealing with conflicting responsibilities 2. Engineering Paranoia The world doesn't play fair Bad data, safety factors and progressive collapse I'm not sure you can really teach someone the right combination of ethics and paranoia to be successfull. I can teach anyone the technical stuff, or give them a really thick book. But best practices aren't a substitute for understanding the business and sound judgement.

On Sat, 30 Mar 2002, Sean Donelan wrote:
A basic security mindset is a combination of paranoia, a talent for contingency planning, and an understanding of business need.
My suggestion was to include a couple of courses in the curriculum.
1. Engineering Ethics How to play fair Right and wrong, dealing with conflicting responsibilities 2. Engineering Paranoia The world doesn't play fair Bad data, safety factors and progressive collapse
I'm not sure you can really teach someone the right combination of ethics and paranoia to be successfull. I can teach anyone the technical stuff, or give them a really thick book. But best practices aren't a substitute for understanding the business and sound judgement.
The problem is good security people have to cover alot of ground, and be at least /good/ in all of it. They have to have a solid understanding of all the systems and networks they are protecting as well as the customer requirements and business cost/beni stuff. One issue I see is a general lack of understanding with employers as to what is needed. The idea of the paranoid block everything type that must be restrained seems stuck in many minds. Unfortunately, this leads to issues, total ICMP blocks, bad ECN handling, etc. As well as very little drive for people to learn what they need. I think it comes down to being able to deal creatively with a lack of total control, and find ways to limit what you cannot eliminate. If the balance cannot be found, you end up with security problems, or performance issues, pissed customers and broken networks. -- I route, therefore you are.

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Christopher E. Brown wrote:
I think it comes down to being able to deal creatively with a lack of total control, and find ways to limit what you cannot eliminate.
Security specialists can't be everywhere, can't do everything, and can't stop every bad thing. The reality is the people who have the biggest impact on security don't have security in their job title. Instead of a neighborhood watch do we need a network watch? While we need a few people with "deep" security knowledge, we also need to spread a thin layer of security pixie dust throughout the entire organization. Is it really a lack of control. While some security specilists carry a big stick, on most projects security is just one of many specialities required to work together. If you are a security specialist, just getting invited to a project before its finished is a major accomplishment.

### On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 01:17:59 -0500 (EST), Sean Donelan <> ### casually decided to expound upon "Christopher E. Brown" ### <> the following thoughts about "Re: How to get better ### security people": SD> While we need a few people with "deep" security knowledge, we also SD> need to spread a thin layer of security pixie dust throughout the SD> entire organization. It's just like it is within the IETF process... Security considerations must be undertaken by everyone. -- /*===================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@NEEBU.Net> ]======================+ | Packet Plumber, Network Engineers /| / [~ [~ |) | | --------------- | | for Effective Bandwidth Utilisation / |/ [_ [_ |) |_| N E T W O R K S | +=========================================================================*/

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Sean Donelan wrote: :Instead of a neighborhood watch do we need a network watch? :While we need a few people with "deep" security knowledge, we also :need to spread a thin layer of security pixie dust throughout the :entire organization. The NIPC, CERT, OCIPEP(Canada) and other organizations try to fill this role. The Incidents mailing list also tries to do this on a more ad hoc basis, along with the honeynet projects, and to a great extent Nanog. If ones definition of security includes integrity and reliability, then Nanog has been performing that role since its creation. The problem that exists with the neighbourhood watch model is that it assumes some sort of community and, despite a few exceptions, there is no community of internet providers. There are communities of network engineers and other specialists, but the possibility of corporations getting together with a common goal, which may temporarily supercede their individual competetive advantage, is just not going to happen. They can have industry associations, lobby groups, interest groups, and other representative bodies, but community is not one of these, and thus any network watch program which depends on community will be hampered. So, the challenge is to find a model of information sharing in which a balance between effectiveness and the protection of competitive information that is slanted heavilty to the latter. This on top of providing value to the participants. There are some private security alert services like this. I can personally highly recommend the securityfocus ARIS tool and their commercial Threat Management System. NAI's virus alert system is excellent, as is a similar service from The non-classified government briefings I have seen don't really provide value from an up to the minute threat analysis perspective. They might help an executive hold an intelligent conversation on current affairs, but they do little for people who are responsible for protecting the infrastructure. Personally, I would like to see a mixture of the MAPS RBL and available, where emerging hostile netblocks can be blackholed for short periods of time using attack information gathered from and coroborated by a vast array of diverse sources. -- batz

It strikes me that much of the focus seems to be people on one hand wanting "deep security expertise", which is considered technical, and on another finding it difficult to actually have that single person be able to impact enterprise/network-wide security. Since "deep security" experts are a valuable commodity, it is unlikely that spreading them throughout an organization is feasible. What needs to change in this model is how one defines a "security expert". While some deep technical knowledge in security technologies relevant to your environment is critical, that person should hardly be a bottleneck for the security organization. In fact, that person should rarely--if ever--communicate outside his/her organization. What is needed is a someone capable of "creating" the pixie dust you spoke of, Sean. That dust has to be sprinkled, it's hard work, and a technical professional cannot do it. The problem is that when an organization sees a need to focus on security, the first thought tends to be to get an "expert" hired on. In reality, this expert will have little effect since he/she will not be able to stick a finger in every piece of pie around. Instead, getting the HR department to focus on a "strategic" security manager should be the first task on the security checklist. This person need not be a deep technical expert, though some level of technical expertise is usually desirable. Higher on the list is communication skills, management by influence (as opposed to authority), educational experience or talent, and a deep understanding of how to promote security awareness throughout an organization. Surprisingly, these people are both easier to work with and easier for HR to target than your average "deep security expert". If the goal is to establish security as a priority for an organization, and ultimately have far greater impact than a couple of security engineers, this is the type to be looking for. They don't need to have 20 years of security experience. People with *some* security experience and a whole boatload of business, education, management, and political experience fit this bill. The profile of this person usually lines up with what would be termed a CIO. Once this person is in place, it becomes a lot easier to coordinate security both within and outside of an organization. The "community" model for incident response has been shown inadequate by most institutions which value their privacy. I would think the ISP/network provider companies would be less sensitive to this, and look for meaningful ways to cooperate. Having a person where responsibility for this sort of thing would rest in each of the companies would go a long way to getting it started. "Deep security experts" are definitely not suited for this type of work. Just my $.02 Cheers, Ben
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of batz Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:03 AM To: Sean Donelan Cc: Christopher E. Brown; NANOG Subject: Re: How to get better security people
On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Sean Donelan wrote:
:Instead of a neighborhood watch do we need a network watch? :While we need a few people with "deep" security knowledge, we also :need to spread a thin layer of security pixie dust throughout the :entire organization.
The NIPC, CERT, OCIPEP(Canada) and other organizations try to fill this role. The Incidents mailing list also tries to do this on a more ad hoc basis, along with the honeynet projects, and to a great extent Nanog. If ones definition of security includes integrity and reliability, then Nanog has been performing that role since its creation.
The problem that exists with the neighbourhood watch model is that it assumes some sort of community and, despite a few exceptions, there is no community of internet providers.
There are communities of network engineers and other specialists, but the possibility of corporations getting together with a common goal, which may temporarily supercede their individual competetive advantage, is just not going to happen. They can have industry associations, lobby groups, interest groups, and other representative bodies, but community is not one of these, and thus any network watch program which depends on community will be hampered.
So, the challenge is to find a model of information sharing in which a balance between effectiveness and the protection of competitive information that is slanted heavilty to the latter. This on top of providing value to the participants.
There are some private security alert services like this. I can personally highly recommend the securityfocus ARIS tool and their commercial Threat Management System. NAI's virus alert system is excellent, as is a similar service from
The non-classified government briefings I have seen don't really provide value from an up to the minute threat analysis perspective. They might help an executive hold an intelligent conversation on current affairs, but they do little for people who are responsible for protecting the infrastructure.
Personally, I would like to see a mixture of the MAPS RBL and available, where emerging hostile netblocks can be blackholed for short periods of time using attack information gathered from and coroborated by a vast array of diverse sources.
-- batz

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, batz wrote:
Personally, I would like to see a mixture of the MAPS RBL and available, where emerging hostile netblocks can be blackholed for short periods of time using attack information gathered from and coroborated by a vast array of diverse sources.
Have a look at SAFE (url in sig). We detect smurf amplifiers and I'm currently looking at ways to export data to companies regarding large smurf amplifiers (>x250 amplification) who refuse to close after X number of warnings. I expect it will run on a free, but subscribed + authenticated basis (ie, a company subscribes and gives the IP's of their DNs servers and those servers are authorized to do lookups, but script kiddies cannot). -- Avleen Vig Work Time: Unix Systems Administrator Play Time: Network Security Officer Smurf Amplifier Finding Executive:

On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 06:22:01PM +0100, Avleen Vig wrote:
On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, batz wrote:
Personally, I would like to see a mixture of the MAPS RBL and available, where emerging hostile netblocks can be blackholed for short periods of time using attack information gathered from and coroborated by a vast array of diverse sources.
Have a look at SAFE (url in sig). We detect smurf amplifiers and I'm currently looking at ways to export data to companies regarding large smurf amplifiers (>x250 amplification) who refuse to close after X number of warnings.
I expect it will run on a free, but subscribed + authenticated basis (ie, a company subscribes and gives the IP's of their DNs servers and those servers are authorized to do lookups, but script kiddies cannot).
Many a year ago I ran a "scan and bitch" service for smurf amps (afaik it was the first, predated and Measuring raw packet multiplications is really a terribly incorrect method to measure the "badness" of a smurf amplifier. People routinely have T1's replying 50,000 times, and other such junk. You might be better off going back through all the broadcasts you got positive hits from, and try sending bigger packets and measuring actual received bandwidth. You'll find that multiplication has almost no bearing in predicting the bandwidth of an attack. As for your service listing them... Smurfs aren't spam, so I'm not sure what you plan to accomplish by making the data available via DNS, it would really only be useful as a BGP feed. Even then, it's usefulness is limited. I suppose you could null route traffic to specific broadcast addresses to prevent people originating smurfs from your network with minimal impact on legit services, or if you are a big transit provider with balls you could apply it to all your customers. There is no protocol (disclaimer: that I'm aware of) for distributing IP lists that could be filtered by source address, let alone other more intelligent things like distributing firewall rulesets so you could pick off only the echo replies, BUT MAYBE THERE SHOULD BE. <-- HINT! -- Richard A Steenbergen <> PGP Key ID: 0x138EA177 (67 29 D7 BC E8 18 3E DA B2 46 B3 D8 14 36 FE B6)

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
As for your service listing them... Smurfs aren't spam, so I'm not sure what you plan to accomplish by making the data available via DNS, it would really only be useful as a BGP feed. Even then, it's usefulness is limited. I suppose you could null route traffic to specific broadcast addresses to prevent people originating smurfs from your network with minimal impact on legit services, or if you are a big transit provider with balls you could apply it to all your customers.
SAFE is a daughter-project of the IRCNetOps project ( who areIRC network admins from small and large networks who came together last year after getting rather pissed off by constant DoS attacks. No, not just little admins with shells on little networks, but also bigger admins on the bigger networks who run servers at ISP's too. The service could be used to deny IRC access to their networks to people who come from broken networks.
There is no protocol (disclaimer: that I'm aware of) for distributing IP lists that could be filtered by source address, let alone other more intelligent things like distributing firewall rulesets so you could pick off only the echo replies, BUT MAYBE THERE SHOULD BE. <-- HINT!
Maybe there should be :-) Wnat to do it? ;-)

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002, Avleen Vig wrote: :Have a look at SAFE (url in sig). :We detect smurf amplifiers and I'm currently looking at ways to export :data to companies regarding large smurf amplifiers (>x250 amplification) :who refuse to close after X number of warnings. Yeah, that uses a bit more of the anti-spam model than a network protection model. Aris takes IDS logs from subscriber sites, normalizes them and generates stats (among other things). After the data is normalized, they show emerging trends and anomalies. An example of this would be if an attacker started scanning across the Internet for ssh servers, this could trigger IDS's at multiple sites, which would increase the profile of attackers ip addr. What I was suggesting is that this data be cleaned and a list of actively hostile hosts be distributed to subscribers for temporary blockage, either by port filter, or blackholed by prefix on a reasonably real-time basis. -- batz
participants (8)
Avleen Vig
Benjamin P. Grubin
Christopher E. Brown
Jake Khuon
Richard A Steenbergen
Sean Donelan