Straight from the MAN page Roeland (man whois)... ... DESCRIPTION Whois looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network In- formation Centers (NICs). The options are as follows: -a Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database. It contains network numbers used in those parts of the world cov- ered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE. Contact (handle) information should be looked up by appending "-ARIN" to the NIC handle: ... -----------------------Original Message-----------------------
From: Roeland Meyer To: Vivien M.;nanog@nanog.org Date: 5/15/01 5:16 AM Subject: RE: To CAIS Engineers - WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS
From: Vivien M. [mailto:vivienm@dyndns.org] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:44 PM
As someone posted before (but you probably didn't read):
Actually, I read it just fine. Yes, that is the block that is in use here. I just don't know who the hell Alex Black is. I also asked SpeakEasy. Weeks later, I'm still waiting for an answer.
vivienm@amethyst:~$ host www.mhsc.com www.mhsc.com is a nickname for vweb1.mhsc.com vweb1.mhsc.com has address vivienm@amethyst:~$ whois -a
When did '-a' become a whois option?
vivienm@amethyst:~$ whois -a \!NETBLK-SPEK-RMEYER-0 Black, Alex (NETBLK-SPEK-RMEYER-0) 440 Mission Court Fremont, CA 94539 US
Netname: SPEK-RMEYER-0 Netblock: -
Coordinator: Stollar, Andreas (AS3414-ARIN) abuse@speakeasy.net +1-206-728-9770 (FAX) (206)728-1500
Now, I realize your name isn't Alex Black (unless you have multiple personalities), but it sure looks to me like SpeakEasy knows how to SWIP (and the SPEK-RMEYER-0 name suggests they were trying to SWIP it to you).
Among other things, I'm also a SysAdmin. Of course, I have multiple personalities! But, Alex Black isn't one of them. Also note, Andreas Stoller's email addr. Do you actually think I would get any sort of response if I sent an email there? I might as well send it to abuse@mhsc.net. He probably uses the same bit-bucket that mhsc.net does (the /dev/null brand).

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 08:20:45AM -0500, John Murphy wrote:
Straight from the MAN page Roeland (man whois)...
... DESCRIPTION Whois looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network In- formation Centers (NICs).
The options are as follows:
-a Use the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) database. It contains network numbers used in those parts of the world cov- ered neither by APNIC nor by RIPE. Contact (handle) information should be looked up by appending "-ARIN" to the NIC handle: ...
whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX. Greetz, Peter.

whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX.
You can query any whois server with query@server ie: works.
This too is dependent on your WHOIS client, and NOT available (by default) on all UNICES.

On most of all the flavors of Unix I have used in recent years, whois -h whois.server query works. ie: whois -h whois.arin.net 192.168.1 Regards, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Mathias Koerber Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 10:18 AM To: mike harrison; Peter van Dijk Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: RE: Whois -a?
whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX.
You can query any whois server with query@server ie: works.
This too is dependent on your WHOIS client, and NOT available (by default) on all UNICES.

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 10:18:27PM +0800, Mathias Koerber wrote:
whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX.
You can query any whois server with query@server ie: works.
This too is dependent on your WHOIS client, and NOT available (by default) on all UNICES.
If whois -h server blah or whois blah@server doesn't work, then you've got a whois client the likes of which I have not seen. -- John Payne http://www.sackheads.org/jpayne/ john@sackheads.org http://www.sackheads.org/uce/ Fax: +44 870 0547954 To send me mail, use the address in the From: header

Mathias Koerber wrote:
whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX.
You can query any whois server with query@server ie: works.
This too is dependent on your WHOIS client, and NOT available (by default) on all UNICES.
fwhois uses whois@server, Whois Classic uses whois -h server -- Tired of Earthlink? Get JustTheNet! Nationwide Dialup, ISDN, DSL, ATM, Frame Relay, T-1, T-3, and more. EARTHLINK AMNESTY PROGRAM: Buy a year, get two months free More info coming soon to http://JustThe.net, or e-mail me! B!ff: K3wl, w3'v3 r00t3D da N@vy... 0h CrAp, INC0M!Ng $%^NO CARRIER

In the referenced message, mike harrison said:
whois -a is most commonly seen on BSD systems, and is most definitely not available on every current UNIX.
You can query any whois server with query@server ie: works.
No match for "". The moral of the story, RTFM to know how your own implimentation of whois works. Not all whois clients are made alike, and I'm not aware of any (POSIX for example) standards for it.

On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 08:20:45AM -0500, John Murphy wrote:
Straight from the MAN page Roeland (man whois)...
Before you guys get too much more nasty at each other, perhaps you should clarify what platforms you're using? On Red Hat Linux and Solaris 8, that's not an option. Perhaps Roeland isn't using the same platform you are.
participants (9)
Jeffrey Wheat
John Murphy
John Payne
Mathias Koerber
mike harrison
Peter van Dijk
Shawn McMahon
Stephen Griffin
Steve Sobol