so i just 'discovered' rss feeds, or whatever they are properly called. anyone recommend some ops-relevant ones? i changed my reading fergdawg from web page to rss, and it works well (i plonked paul long ago). i get a giggle out of gizmodo. any other pointers appreciated. randy

so i just 'discovered' rss feeds, or whatever they are properly called. anyone recommend some ops-relevant ones?
Geoff Huston's ISP columns have an RSS feed: http://www.potaroo.net/

Mark Boolootian wrote:
so i just 'discovered' rss feeds, or whatever they are properly called. anyone recommend some ops-relevant ones?
Geoff Huston's ISP columns have an RSS feed:
I am pretty sure isc.sans.org has an RSS feed. Gadi.

> I am pretty sure isc.sans.org has an RSS feed. http://images.dshield.org/rssfeed.xml -Bill

Here are the ones I watch: http://www.osvdb.org/backend/rss.php http://www.k-otik.com/exploits.xml http://www.securitytrap.com/mail/focus-ids.rss http://www.securitytrap.com/mail/pen-test.rss http://www.djeaux.com/rss/insecure-vuln-dev.rss http://www.djeaux.com/rss/insecure-vulnwatch.rss http://www.djeaux.com/rss/insecure-isn.rss http://isc.sans.org/rssfeed.xml http://www.sans.org/newsletters/newsbites/rss/ http://www.packetstormsecurity.org/whatsnew20.xml http://www.securityfocus.com/rss/news.xml http://www.securityfocus.com/rss/vulnerabilities.xml HTH, Stef On May 27, 2005, at 11:34 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
so i just 'discovered' rss feeds, or whatever they are properly called. anyone recommend some ops-relevant ones?
i changed my reading fergdawg from web page to rss, and it works well (i plonked paul long ago). i get a giggle out of gizmodo. any other pointers appreciated.
participants (5)
Bill Woodcock
Gadi Evron
Mark Boolootian
Network Fortius
Randy Bush