Re: EU Official: IP Is Personal

Rod Beck wrote:
With all due respect, it is easy back into a person's identity or a household's identity using the IP address together with other information.
It's done all the time by ISPs for law enforcement and it's fruitless for you to deny it.
No one said it wasn't easy all I'm saying is it's not definitive. Look at the case of the RIAA. RIAA Sues the Dead February 4, 2005 Thomas Mennecke The RIAA's campaign against alleged music pirates has been well-criticized for being overly ruthless. In their plight to eradicate file-sharing, the RIAA has pursued children, grandmothers and the destitute. In a move that many consider to only add insult to injury, the RIAA has sued 83 year old Gertrude Walton. The only problem is, Gertrude has been dead since December of 2004. ... Not only has the RIAA's legal tactics been criticized for its ruthlessness, but also the obvious inaccuracies that inevitably surface. While sharing information over a P2P network, there is no direct way for the RIAA to obtain your personal information. Under the guidelines of a "John Doe" lawsuit, the RIAA sues your IP address. The RIAA then goes to your ISP and matches the IP address with the date and time in question. -- ==================================================== J. Oquendo SGFA #579 (FW+VPN v4.1) SGFE #574 (FW+VPN v4.1) wget -qO -|perl
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J. Oquendo