By popular request ... saves more people from asking. Q: What did MFS do to my (AS286, EUnet at the time) box at MAE-West? A: (You need to know that we were in Amsterdam in The Netherlands, and shipped a box to them for them to install.) It was installed offsite in another facility, in a private, colocated cabinet belonging to a local company (otherwise not in the Internet business, they just had a corporate WAN in the area), then connected back up with MFS's favourite ethernet-over-ATM kit; all undocumented. We never knew until we wanted to replace it. MFS agreed that they could see its MAC address in local ARP caches, so obviously it did exist and was connected, somehow, somewhere. I thought they would be able to find its port on the switch and trace the cabling from there, but that was somehow not possible (probably all unlabeled). I then set up a small script to stay logged in and repeatedly run "test leds", while two or three people on their side went through rack after rack looking for slow blinking LEDs. They found it on the third day of searching. On the positive side, they didn't try to deny facts, they openly explained what had happened. Also something mumbled about the original install engineer being known as "Loco".-) Best, -- Per
participants (1)
Per Gregers Bilse