Re: Maformed SNMP Packet log/trace

"bm" == Brennan Murphy <> writes:
bm> I need a trace or log file of the Malformed SNMP packets bm> recently tracked by CERT. bm> Go to the Oulu University page mentioned in the advisory. Download the 4 .jar files that comprise the toolkit. unzip the jar files. There'll be a testcases/ dir in each of them. Each file in this directory is one of their packets. There are 53,000 of them. Have fun! ericb -- Eric Brandwine | Failing organizations are usually over-managed and UUNetwork Security | under-led. | +1 703 886 6038 | - Warren G. Bennis Key fingerprint = 3A39 2C2F D5A0 FC7C 5F60 4118 A84A BD5D 59D7 4E3E

On 26 Feb 2002, Eric Brandwine wrote:
Go to the Oulu University page mentioned in the advisory.
Download the 4 .jar files that comprise the toolkit.
unzip the jar files. There'll be a testcases/ dir in each of them. Each file in this directory is one of their packets.
There are 53,000 of them. Have fun!
And to keep things exciting, programmers rarely make mistakes in only one protocol. Turing still holds. It wouldn't be surprising if other packets can do bad things when "this should never happen" happens. Who is checking NTP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP, SSH, DNS, TELNET, TACACS+, etc code paths?

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 06:41:22PM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
On 26 Feb 2002, Eric Brandwine wrote:
Go to the Oulu University page mentioned in the advisory.
Download the 4 .jar files that comprise the toolkit.
unzip the jar files. There'll be a testcases/ dir in each of them. Each file in this directory is one of their packets.
There are 53,000 of them. Have fun!
And to keep things exciting, programmers rarely make mistakes in only one protocol. Turing still holds. It wouldn't be surprising if other packets can do bad things when "this should never happen" happens. Who is checking NTP, OSPF, ISIS, BGP, SSH, DNS, TELNET, TACACS+, etc code paths?
A lot of those protocols have people looking at them on a regular basis, and they still manage to come up with obscure exploits noone else noticed (ex: 23mb of buffer overflows to exploit telnetd). On the other hand, a lot of those protocols (and more specifically their implementations in routers) have probably never seen the light of day, and are so rotten we are all better off keeping them covered up. I'm certain that more then enough people here can attest to the fact that it doesn't take much in the way of "unexpected packets" before certain vendors BGP implementations start wigging. Of course, it is up to the user to decide if they would rather have a product with 50,000 holes that script kiddies don't know about, or a product with 100 holes that the do. Most days security through obscurity works just fine, but the days that it doesn't really suck. But SNMP is special. It has the distinct honor of being one of those protocols which has daylight all around it and yet somehow manages to stay under a rock. I attribute this to what I like to call the "Upchuck Code Barrier", namely that very few people have the intestinal fortitude to look at the existing implementations without hurling their lunch. This severely limits the number of exploits which are written. :) </rant> -- Richard A Steenbergen <> PGP Key ID: 0x138EA177 (67 29 D7 BC E8 18 3E DA B2 46 B3 D8 14 36 FE B6)

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
A lot of those protocols have people looking at them on a regular basis, and they still manage to come up with obscure exploits noone else noticed (ex: 23mb of buffer overflows to exploit telnetd).
So what is the solution for a public network operator. I attended a presentation last week where a Checkpoint reseller suggested the client needed to buy eight Checkpoint firewalls to protect a single web server. I was impressed, what about the undercoating and scotchguard fabric protector. Is it time to fall back in punt? How would you architect a backbone if you could do it over? Enable BGP authentication Enable NTP authentication (use more than GPS as a source) Enable OSPF/ISIS authentication Use TL1 on the Aux port for network management Ip route null0 packets from outside containing internal-only backbone addresses. Is the complexity of SSH code worth the protection? Or is it better never to access your routers through VTY ports, and always use an reverse-terminal server to the console from an out-of-band management LAN?
participants (3)
Eric Brandwine
Richard A Steenbergen
Sean Donelan