Odd spam / virus - comments ?

OK - As a knowledgeable bunch, maybe you lot can give me pointers. A customer / friend phoned me last night saying that I sent him a virus by e-mail. Now, I am far more careful than that - at least I hope. It turned out that it wasn't me, but a forgery. Now, that is not unusual, but what is that the recipient is someone I know. I have come up with the following theories: 1. Clever virus distributor. Someone has e-mail address lists and is looking up MX records for senders and recipients and then matching the two, on the assuption that the MX for the recipient will accept mail from someone whose mail transits the same system, and that there may be a level of 'trust' in the recipient for a sender who uses the same MX relays. 2. Accident. It is just bizarre that someone is forging mail from me to someone I know. But then I would be getting many more complaints from complete strangers. I am not. Anyone seen 1. in active use ? Headers below - nothing confidential AFAIK - apart from e-mail addresses that are already 'public'. Peter Return-path: <peter.galbavy@knowtion.net> Envelope-to: jason@somadata.com Delivery-date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:56:14 +0000 Received: from acba293e.ipt.aol.com ([] helo=Xvfem) by mailstore-1.mail.knowledge.com with smtp (Exim 3.33 #1) id 16pXl2-00003E-00 for jason@somadata.com; Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:55:45 +0000 From: peter.galbavy <peter.galbavy@knowtion.net> To: jason@somadata.com Subject: Introduction on ADSL MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Sy82oU85e2CI78a2nsl20 Message-Id: <E16pXl2-00003E-00@mailstore-1.mail.knowledge.com> Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:55:45 +0000 Status:
participants (1)
Peter Galbavy