RE: NEWDOM: Re: offtopic for NANOG - do not read

On Saturday, April 26, 1997 8:06 AM, Michael Dillon[] wrote: @ On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, Karl Denninger wrote: @ @ > Anyone trying to take "COM" and point it somewhere else will find that they @ > have created a class-action lawsuit with 1,000,000 plaintiffs -- all the @ > people who you instantly disconnect that have COM domains. @ @ I think most people interpreted Paul's statement as meaning that if IANA @ directed them to continue providing the .COM domain services from a zone @ file that was not issued by NSI, then they would do so. With the emphasis @ on continuing the service, i.e. making sure that all 1,000,000 .COM @ domains continue to operate properly. @ @ > Anyone trying to STEAL NSI's COM zone (to appropriate it as their own) will @ > likely find themselves on the wrong end of a monstrous lawsuit, not to @ > mention potential felony theft charges. @ @ Just how did NSI aquire ownership of this .COM zone when it was all @ built with public money under the authority of the National Science @ Foundation. Since when does the NSF give away free monopoly franchises? @ @ > The Internet isn't your little playground, and it does not belong to Jon @ > Postel, Joyce Reynolds, and Bill Manning. @ > @ > Those are facts. @ @ It is also a fact that the Internet does not belong to NSI or Denninger. @ @ The real question is, which individuals and organizations take their @ positions of "public trust" seriously and which ones are attempting to @ leverage such a position into lining their own pockets? @ @ So far, Postel, Vixie, et al., are the guardians of the public trust @ and all those who are lined up in opposition to them appear to be more @ concerned with lining their own pockets than anything else. @ @ Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting @ Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-250-546-3049 @ - E-mail: @ @ @ @@@@ "Our efforts are funded by Industry. Our initial funding was provided by UUNET Communications Services (UCS), a non-profit corporation with additional contributions by the Digital Equipment Corporation. Our original UCS funding grant has expired and we are assembling a consortium of corporate and other sponsors to fund the 1997 programs (see attached Description of Programs). Our 1997 budget is approximately $700,000." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -- Jim Fleming Unir Corporation http://www.Unir.Corp Check out...http://www.Naperville.Mall

(see attached Description of Programs). Our 1997 budget is approximately $700,000."
that was wishful thinking. we actually received $50K in donations, which funded a couple of months before i started paying for it myself (i'm able to generate more as a consultant than it costs to pay my own expenses) and even at that i've had to shut down the DHCP project for now.
participants (2)
Jim Fleming
Paul A Vixie