Was a maintenance window I think, though I missed the first part of this thread and don't know what times you folks had problems. During the Normal operations window on Jan 29, 2002 WorldCom will be performing the following scheduled maintenance activities. This activity is scheduled to take place from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. (local hub time) in the contiguous US and elsewhere from 3:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. (local hub time) and may affect your connectivity. The following customer ID will be impacted: #####. If you have any questions, please contact our local Customer Network Support Center. Please reference the internal ticket number #####. Quality System Management-Global Maintenance Planning Worldcom (http://www.uu.net) 1(800) 900-0241 / +1(703) 206-5440 WorldCom United States 1-800-900-0241 (select the following options in order: 2, then 4, then 1) WorldCom Denmark (45) WorldCom Italy (39) 02.3600.1887 WorldCom Sweden (46) 8.750.88.50 WorldCom Switzerland (41) 1.580.86.11
-----Original Message----- From: Vandy Hamidi [mailto:vhamidi@insweb.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 7:06 PM To: 'dlark@elmresources.com'; nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: UUNet outage?
I noticed unavailability of some sites through our UUNet connection as well. Trace routes showed that the packets were being dropped after it was passed onto above.net but also before that. I assume not only was above.net having problems, but I screwed up UUNet's routes they received from them. A call to UUNet didn't help. The tech, though nice, had no idea what to look for. I was sitting there giving him commands and asking the result. After I figured everything was ok between us, I figured it was bigger than just my connection and waited patiently. All was good within 15 min or less.
-----Original Message----- From: Daniel Lark [mailto:dlark@elmresources.com] Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 8:04 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: uunet outage?
I have been noticing several UUNet problems recently. My Oakland office (connected via UUNet) and my company's service bureau, run by a contractor company (also UUNet) had problems seeing my main corp. web server colo'd at Hurricane Electric, yesterday. Turns out there was a DoS attack ran against a router on above.net (which provides the peering between UUNet and HE).
However, I have also seen problems with customers being unable to see my contractor's machines. Supposedly, there are some rather strategic DoS attacks going on. Can anyone confirm this?
Regards, Dan Lark ELM Resources, Inc.
participants (1)
LeBlanc, Jason