Please, before you read on, put your [coke can|coffee mug|drinking apparatus] down, so that when you laugh, you don't get any liquids on your keyboard. I am overhauling our news transport network the past couple days. Phasing out some P2-300's and such. Anyway, we have tons of news peers out there, of which I have no idea how to contact anymore. Some of these peers go back to 2001. The issue is that our DNS will change for both inbound and outbound feeds. Whoever news peers with us will need to change to newspeer1.nac.net for both in and out. Email me and let me know who you are so I can actually have this information in the future. You know who you are, there are at least 40 to 50 of you on this list, I estimate. If you don't peer with our news box, and want to, email me your pertinent info. Back to your regularly scheduled hub-bub.
participants (1)
Alex Rubenstein