for those who don't speak inside-dc-beltway, the below is a request for information that a well-funded federal agency will use to write a proposal solicitation, to which folks (including but not limited to operators) then write proposals to get ops research funding. (and ultimately, presumably for implementations/ infrastructure.) so if you want to influence what the U.S. department of homeland security funds in the area of IPS (not my meme), jan 2004 is an opportunity to tell them what to ask for. you are encouraged to take it, lots of people there trying to do the right thing and could use help from experts regarding what exactly that is. formatted below, unreadable version of your very own at: http://www.fbodaily.com/archive/2003/11-November/23-Nov-2003/FBO-00474736.ht... k --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INFORMATION ANALYSIS AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION DIRECTORATE, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY INTERNET PRIORITY SERVICE (IPS) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope The National Communications System (NCS) of the Department of Homeland Security is soliciting information regarding assured communications through the Internet. This information is with respect to services or products that carriers, vendors, and third parties can provide, or plan in the future to provide, applicable to designing/developing an Internet Priority Service (IPS) capability to support national security and emergency preparedness (NS/EP) communications. This request for information (RFI) seeks technical information regarding Internet-based assured communications for data, including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Responses from all organizations including commercial entities, academic institutions, and Government departments and agencies, are encouraged. 1.2 Background Under the provisions of Executive Order 12472, the NCS is responsible for ensuring that an NS/EP telecommunications infrastructure exists and is responsive to the needs of the President and the Federal departments and agencies using public and private telecommunications systems. In support of this mission, we have initiated several programs designed to overcome network failure and congestion during emergency situations, including the Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS), Telecommunications Service Priority (TSP), and Wireless Priority Service (WPS) to address priority services for Federal, State, and local Critical Infrastructure leadership personnel during an emergency. The current implementations of priority service for NS/EP telecommunications consist of voice and voice-band data only in the circuit switched wire-line and wireless networks. Due to the ever-increasing use of the Internet for transmission of all types of communications, we are looking at ways to provide similar types of assured communications for data applications and voice or video applications running over the Internet. Information learned from this RFI will be used to help NCS achieve the following goals: _ Identify plans and emerging technologies for providing priority services through the Internet. _ Facilitate promising technologies as prototypes and proof-of-concept projects. _ Identify any new areas requiring standardization. _ Model technologies to determine what enhancements are required. _ Develop an Internet Priority Service (IPS) program plan. 2. AREAS OF INTEREST The following functional goals of an IPS concept should be considered: Enhanced Priority Treatment Secure Networks Ubiquitous Coverage International Connectivity Interoperable Scalable Bandwidth Mobility Voice Band Service Broadband Service Reliability/Availability Restorable Survivable Non-Traceable Affordable Ultimately, the service should be resilient to large-scale outages of the Internet infrastructure in addition to other infrastructures the Internet is dependent upon_such as electric power and telecommunications. It should also be resilient to cyber attacks originating within the Internet itself, such as denial of service, worms, etc. Solutions should have ubiquitous coverage in that they translate to various physical and link layer technologies, locations, applications, and network topologies. Specifically, we are looking for solutions that will work in inter-AS cross-provider environments, as well as within single provider networks. To enable interoperability, we have IPS standards efforts underway through the Parlay Group 4 requirements; however, a lack of standards should not preclude a response--we are also interested in concepts and implementations that may be proprietary in nature, and have not yet been standardized. Responders are encouraged to review the T1A1.2 committee_s _Roadmap Standards in Support of Emergency Telecommunications Service (ETS)_ under the project T1A1-19 _Reliability/Availability of IP-based Networks and Services,_ whose concepts are reflected throughout this RFI. An IPS should have a large set of capabilities to potentially be of service during disaster recovery activities. Since not all of the following features are currently available, responses are not expected to meet all of these criteria; however, IPS features and objectives could include the following: _ Multimedia and telephony services _ Rapid user authentication _ Security protection of user traffic _ Preferential access to telecomm facilities _ Preferential establishment of communications _ Preferential routing of traffic _ Preferential use of remaining operational resources _ Preferential completion of user traffic to destination _ Allowable degradation of service quality _ Interchange of critical telecomm service management information _ Optional preemption of non-emergency traffic (where permitted by regulation) The objective is to provide priority service for Internet applications critical to essential personnel during a crisis. Preliminary analysis shows that numerous approaches are possible due to the design of the protocol model and state that makes up the Internet; however, prioritized delivery of individual packets at the lower layers of the Internet protocol model does not guarantee that transactions will gain priority processing on end systems and servers. Since any single protocol is likely to be insufficient to guarantee priority, several approaches may need to be combined to form an operational system. In addition to end-to-end solutions, we are interested in individual submissions that may consist of building blocks for an overall IPS architecture. Responses should address how these building blocks fit within the traditional Internet model to eventually provide an end-to-end solution. Specifically, the following areas should be addressed: _ Link Layer. A large variety of layer 2 link level technologies are incorporated within the Internet. Enhancements applicable to priority services for High-speed optical backbone technologies such as SONET, Packet over SONET, MPLS, Gigabit Ethernet, DWDM, and ATM are of interest. Also of interest are enhancements applicable to access technologies such as DSL, cable modem, and fixed wireless, in addition to priority within mobile wireless protocols such as messaging, 3G cellular data, and satellite data. _ Network Layer. Internet Protocol (IP) makes up the entire network layer for the Internet. There are two versions of IP applicable to this RFI. IP Version 4 is the current protocol that operates the majority of the Internet. IP v6 will eventually replace IP v4, with superior addressing, security, priority and other features. We are interested in approaches that are applicable to either or both versions of IP. _ Transport Layer. Protocols designed to assure data transmission end-to-end or hop-by-hop through the Internet often are considered transport layer enhancements. The IETF has standardized a number of approaches, so implementations of these are of interest to us. Additional concepts and proprietary implementations in this area are also of interest. _ Application Layer. Applications control the Internet; as an example BGP and DNS are applications that are considered core infrastructure pieces of the Internet. Applications also make up the services that utilize the Internet. Of interest are application enhancements that will lead to one or more of the fourteen functional goals for an assured IPS. Applications of particular interest include (but are not limited to) email, messaging, web, VoIP, (transport and edge), and video. _ Standards and APIs. We are also interested in standards or APIs that have been developed in these areas, whether or not implemented in products or services. 3. RESPONSE GUIDELINES 3.1 Scope Most organizations do not have expertise or capabilities in all of the areas described above; therefore, responses addressing only a subset of or single identified area(s) of interest are also welcome. Responses should be clearly labeled with the areas of interest that are discussed. Length of responses should be limited to no more than 40 pages. 3.2 Structure Provide any materials, suggestions, and discussion you deem appropriate. In addition, please provide ample contact information, including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, to facilitate any needed clarification or further discussion. Include, as appropriate, the following: _ Description of Products/Technologies/Research/Standards/APIs, including performance information _ Plans for commercial use of these technologies _ Corporate partners who will use the technology _ Feasibility Assessment _ Cost and Schedule Estimates _ Existing Government Contracts _ Corporate Expertise 3.3 Format Electronic and hard copy formats are both acceptable, although electronic submission is preferred. If provided electronically, submissions should be in a Microsoft Office compatible format or Adobe Acrobat. Copies may be emailed to Mr. Dave Nolan at noland@ncs.gov or mailed to the address below. 3.4 Deadline Responses are due 60 days after release of this RFI. 4. DISCLAIMER There is no bid package or solicitation document associated with this announcement. The requested information is for planning purposes and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that a procurement action will be issued or a contract awarded. No entitlement to payment of direct or indirect costs or charges by the Government will arise as a result of the submission of information. Responses to the RFI will not be returned. The Government shall not be liable for or suffer any consequential damages for any improperly identified proprietary information. Proprietary information will be safeguarded in accordance with the applicable Government regulations. In accordance with FAR 15.202(e), responses to this notice are not an offer and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI. 5. CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. David J. Nolan NCS/N2 701 South Court House Road Arlington, VA 22204-2198 (703) 607-6190 noland@ncs.gov ----- End forwarded message -----

On Mon, 22 Dec 2003, k claffy wrote:
for those who don't speak inside-dc-beltway, the below is a request for information that a well-funded federal agency will use to write a proposal solicitation, to which folks (including but not limited to operators) then write proposals to get ops research funding. (and ultimately, presumably for implementations/ infrastructure.)
so if you want to influence what the U.S. department of homeland security funds in the area of IPS (not my meme), jan 2004 is an opportunity to tell them what to ask for. you are encouraged to take it, lots of people there trying to do the right thing and could use help from experts regarding what exactly that is.
formatted below, unreadable version of your very own at: http://www.fbodaily.com/archive/2003/11-November/23-Nov-2003/FBO-00474736.ht...
Uhm, read the IEPS mailing list archives? It appears DHS has ignored 2 years of work and comments, and simply re-issued NCS' wishlist again.
participants (2)
k claffy
Sean Donelan