On Fri, 14 September 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 01:10:55AM -0700, Sean Donelan wrote:
The Internet routed around much of the failure, but there seem to be only a few individual networks which are unreachable. The generator
I know that MFN/AboveNet is quite willing to provide temporary peering/transit services in the US and Europe for networks affected by this action. I suspect most other providers are offering similar help. I would hope that the Internet community could get these networks back online in fairly short order to help keep communications flowing. For those networks completely offline, can those with phone contacts pass this message along to them via voice lines?
I don't have a breakout of individual networks, so I can't give you contact information for the networks offline. I've just been following total networks, ASNs, etc. In particular Geoff's great graphs
It appears a few hundred route announcements disappeared from the total of 104,400 routes. In other words, less that 1% of the routes.
Telstra may be located on the other side of the globe, but I'll take data where I can find it.
I can't tell how many are single-homed networks and servers located in directly impacted area of New York, and how much is due to a combination of failures in the area affecting both the primary, backup or alternate facilities.
Sean; Here is what we have from DC (times are EDT, from http://www.multicasttech.com/status/index.html ) Tueseday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11617 ASN & 103978 bgp routes Tueseday :12:00 AM - we saw 11597 ASN & 103697 bgp routes Tueseday : 6:00 PM - we saw 11583 ASN & 103548 bgp routes Wednesday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11566 ASN & 103321 bgp routes Thursday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11590 ASN & 103447 bgp routes Friday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11534 ASN & 103376 bgp routes This is all the granularity I have, alas. The Friday drop is due apparently to loosing 25 Broadway. The Tuesday drop is slower and more complicated - Verio dropped 12 ASN by noon. Renater (AS 2200) dropped 32 ASN between noon and 6 PM. Other interesting ones lost include AS 98 ROCKEFELLER-AS AS 4190 BINGHAMTON-U AS 11872 SYRACUSE-UNIVERSITY AS 13619 BASELINEFINANCIALWTC (a sad AS name now). AS 17087 NYSA AS 19072 OFFICEMAX AS 19073 DIGITRADE AS 19755 KIMBANET Some of these may have lost peering, some, such as AS 13619 and 17087, may have been taken out entirely. Regards Marshall Eubanks
Marshall Eubanks tme@21rst-century.com

we're down entirely (AS 19576). we were serviced by qwest (down because of 140 West Street) and uunet (2 world trade center, although i'm not positive). does anyone have any info regarding qwest's attempts to reroute traffic coming into their 60 Hudson street facility? --- Marshall Eubanks <tme@21rst-century.com> wrote:
On Fri, 14 September 2001, Leo Bicknell wrote:
On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 01:10:55AM -0700, Sean
The Internet routed around much of the failure, but there seem to be only a few individual networks which are unreachable. The generator
I know that MFN/AboveNet is quite willing to
peering/transit services in the US and Europe for networks affected by this action. I suspect most other providers are offering similar help. I would hope that the Internet community could get these networks back online in fairly short order to help keep communications flowing. For those networks completely offline, can those with phone contacts pass this message along to them via voice lines?
I don't have a breakout of individual networks, so I can't give you contact information for the networks offline. I've just been following total networks, ASNs, etc. In particular Geoff's great graphs
It appears a few hundred route announcements disappeared from the total of 104,400 routes. In other words, less that 1% of
Donelan wrote: provide temporary the routes.
Telstra may be located on the other side of the
globe, but I'll take
data where I can find it.
I can't tell how many are single-homed networks and servers located in directly impacted area of New York, and how much is due to a combination of failures in the area affecting both the primary, backup or alternate facilities.
Here is what we have from DC (times are EDT, from http://www.multicasttech.com/status/index.html )
Tueseday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11617 ASN & 103978 bgp routes Tueseday :12:00 AM - we saw 11597 ASN & 103697 bgp routes Tueseday : 6:00 PM - we saw 11583 ASN & 103548 bgp routes Wednesday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11566 ASN & 103321 bgp routes Thursday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11590 ASN & 103447 bgp routes Friday : 6:00 AM - we saw 11534 ASN & 103376 bgp routes
This is all the granularity I have, alas.
The Friday drop is due apparently to loosing 25 Broadway. The Tuesday drop is slower and more complicated -
Verio dropped 12 ASN by noon. Renater (AS 2200) dropped 32 ASN between noon and 6 PM. Other interesting ones lost include
Some of these may have lost peering, some, such as AS 13619 and 17087, may have been taken out entirely.
Regards Marshall Eubanks
Marshall Eubanks
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participants (2)
dan kelley
Marshall Eubanks