So now everyone will start sending test DNS requests to the servers and overload them even further.
-matthew kaufman matthew@scruz.net
Dave Nordlund d-nordlund@ukans.edu University of Kansas 913/864-0450 Computing Services FAX 913/864-0485 Lawrence, KS 66045 KANREN

So now everyone will start sending test DNS requests to the servers and overload them even further.
What do you expect for folk who call people at home because they can't figure out how to call a NOC? Welcome to the new "I am sooooo important that thinking is not required" internet. randy

Does anyone have any helpful figures on how testing is causing its own problems? I hear this shadowy complaint from time to time -- and yet I am skeptical. Unless you go severely overboard in the frequency of your testing, it should be only a drop in the bucket. How many times do my DNS servers query the root servers? Maybe 25,000 times a day? Or maybe 10 times that? What does a check cost? I've done parsing of the DNS server logs to avoid such things in the past, but I don't see it as that big of a deal.

The root name servers each take between 500 and 1000 queries per second. So testing them from time to time isn't going to hurt much. However, we don't need to test them from very many places, since we would just overload the trouble reporting system, which tends to be biologically limited. How about if each root name server just implements RFC 2010 and does their own monitoring, and InterNIC does the fallback monitoring, and we stop arguing about global issues on a north american mailing list?
participants (4)
Craig Nordin
Paul A Vixie