Forwarded from a non-subscriber. Replies to her, please.
From jdepalma@cato.org Wed Jun 3 10:09:02 1998 Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 13:23:03 -0400 From: Jennifer DePalma <jdepalma@cato.org> To: zorch@hooked.net Subject: history of peering arrangements
I'm attempting to compile a history of peering agreements between ISPs from the beginning, through UUNet's decision to charge small providers, and up to the implications of the WorldCom merger. If you know of any valuable sources (articles, persons I might speak with), please let me know. I'd appreciate any guidance you might offer.
Thanks, Jennifer
***************************** Jennifer A. DePalma 202.789.5226 202.842.3490 (fax)
Research Analyst Telecommunications and Technology Studies Cato Institute 1000 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001

I am particularly interested in researching the archives on that inforamation myself, show an ftp site or webpage that will access me Henry R. Linneweh incoming-nanog@hooked.net wrote:
Forwarded from a non-subscriber. Replies to her, please.
From jdepalma@cato.org Wed Jun 3 10:09:02 1998 Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 13:23:03 -0400 From: Jennifer DePalma <jdepalma@cato.org> To: zorch@hooked.net Subject: history of peering arrangements
I'm attempting to compile a history of peering agreements between ISPs from the beginning, through UUNet's decision to charge small providers, and up to the implications of the WorldCom merger. If you know of any valuable sources (articles, persons I might speak with), please let me know. I'd appreciate any guidance you might offer.
Thanks, Jennifer
***************************** Jennifer A. DePalma 202.789.5226 202.842.3490 (fax)
Research Analyst Telecommunications and Technology Studies Cato Institute 1000 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001
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participants (2)
Henry Linneweh