Sprint has nothing to do with the loops. Gordon -- you as a practioning journalist should know better than to trust "information" of hear-say, particluarly when the source explicitly disclaimed any first-hand knowledge. Sprint customers are informed about scheduled maintenance and outages by means of a special mailing list. --vadim Did this happen on Friday? If so I heard from a directly knowledgeable source that there was a power failure in Dallas that affected the MFS pop there and that MFS had to bring in a truck with generators to get the node operational again. If this is correct wold the looping be really blamable to either UUNET or Sprint? ******************************************************************** Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscript.: Individ-ascii $85 The COOK Report on Internet -> NREN Non Profit. $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate. Site Lic $650 http://www.netaxs.com/~cook <- Subscription Info & COOK Report Index ********************************************************************

huh? shto vy govorite vadim?? The source claimed to be DIRECTLY knowledgeable. And if you read more carefully you should see that I was asking a question and that my question implied that sprint was blameless. I think there is a disconnect somewhere in our communication..... ******************************************************************** Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscript.: Individ-ascii $85 The COOK Report on Internet -> NREN Non Profit. $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate. Site Lic $650 http://www.netaxs.com/~cook <- Subscription Info & COOK Report Index ******************************************************************** On Mon, 8 May 1995, Vadim Antonov wrote:
Sprint has nothing to do with the loops. Gordon -- you as a practioning journalist should know better than to trust "information" of hear-say, particluarly when the source explicitly disclaimed any first-hand knowledge.
Sprint customers are informed about scheduled maintenance and outages by means of a special mailing list.
Did this happen on Friday? If so I heard from a directly knowledgeable source that there was a power failure in Dallas that affected the MFS pop there and that MFS had to bring in a truck with generators to get the node operational again. If this is correct wold the looping be really blamable to either UUNET or Sprint?
******************************************************************** Gordon Cook, Editor & Publisher Subscript.: Individ-ascii $85 The COOK Report on Internet -> NREN Non Profit. $150 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 Small Corp & Gov't $200 (609) 882-2572 Corporate $350 Internet: cook@cookreport.com Corporate. Site Lic $650 http://www.netaxs.com/~cook <- Subscription Info & COOK Report Index ********************************************************************

please take this all to com.priv, k12.jr.chat, or wherever. the 'o' in nanog is for *network* operations, not social operators.
participants (3)
Gordon Cook
Vadim Antonov