-----Original Message----- From: Gordon Cook <cook@cookreport.com> <snip>
Recently, the Director of the NSF has been replaced. The former Director, Neal Lane has supposedly been moved to the White House to an office that sounds similar to the role that Ira Magaziner has.
uh....Jimmy, the job is called Science Adviser to the President. Lane directs OSTP...the job that jack Gibbons used to have.
Does that mean that Ira Magaziner reports to Neal Lane ? Some people have claimed that the NSF is what is being replaced by the so-called IANA Inc. or NewCo. It appears to me that the NSF was pushed aside long ago by the White House and the Department of Commerce. It is interesting that Neal Lane would move to the White House who now has taken control of the InterNIC. The White House does not seem to want the job. It appears that the White Paper will result in several groups bidding for the InterNIC job. Maybe the Congress will have to help them sort out who should get the contracts. One thing for sure, it does not look like the NSF will be making any more of those decisions. Jim Fleming Unir Corporation - http://www.unir.com End-2-End: VPC(Java)---C+@---<IPv8>---C+@---(Java)VPC http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/domainname/130dftmail/unir.txt http://www.ddj.com/index/author/idx10133.htm
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Jim Fleming