At the NANOG meeting in Boulder, we decided to discuss the date and location of the next meeting on line. Enclosed is the announcment of the IISP which has offered to host the next NANOG meeting in San Diego on April 10, 1995. Please send email to the list indicating whether this would be a good date for the next meeting, and if you would consider attending then. If this is not a good time/place, please make recommendations to the list or to me privately as to an alternate date/place. Thanks. --Elise
----- Begin Included Message -----
From @snoopy.isoc.org:amr@linus.isoc.org Wed Feb 22 10:20:18 1995 Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 13:11:23 -0500 To: isoc-trustees@linus.isoc.org, isoc-advisory-council@linus.isoc.org From: Tony Rutkowski <amr@linus.isoc.org> Subject: IISP Congress Cc: ops-exec@linus.isoc.org
======================================================================= 22 Feb 1994
This worldwide congress is being jointly hosted by the Internet Society, the Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX), and FARNET, Inc., in cooperation with other organizations to allow Internet Service Providers and Network Information Center administrators to identify and explore shared problems and a broad range of alternatives in Internet provisioning and administration. For the purposes of this congress, a service provider is regarded as any entity that itself has an Internet transport capability which it provides to others.
The objective of the congress is to promote a discussion framework for future meetings and activities that may occur among the interested parties, as well as some initial convergences on major issues. It is not intended to displace existing operations engineering forums.
The congress is proceeding via its programme committee to focus on key topic areas, earmarking individuals to develop both an overview of the area, as well as range of views on possible alternatives. Discussants and rapporteurs will be named for each session, and conference report will be widely available. This report is expected to constitute a continuing and growing set of materials to assure the continued global scaling, universal connectivity, and effective operation of the Internet.
In light of the importance of this congress, the complexity of the issues, and the need for a robust exchange of views, the aim is to strongly encourage one key policy and one key technical attendee from each provider or NIC organization. Space constraints may limit the number of participants.
The congress co-chairs are Scott Bradner (Internet Society and Harvard), Bob Collet (Commercial Internet Exchange and Sprint), and Jim Williams (FARNet).
The congress home page is: http://www.isoc.org/iisp/iisp-home.html and will provide continually updated information on the congress.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Template
Organization: ___________________________
Internet Service Provider: __ Yes __ No Network Administrative Center (e.g., NIC): __ Yes __ No Other (type ______________): __ Yes __ No
Provider policy rep ---------------------
Family Name: ___________________________
First Name: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________
Street Address: ___________________________
City: ___________________________
State or Province: _________
Postal Code: _________
Country: ________________________
Email: ___________________________
Fax: ___________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
Preferred Badge Name: _______________________________
Service provider technical rep ------------------------
Family Name: ___________________________
First Name: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________
Street Address: ___________________________
City: ___________________________
State or Province: _________
Postal Code: _________
Country: ________________________
Email: ___________________________
Fax: ___________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
Preferred Badge Name: _______________________________
The registration fee for an organization is US$ 600. This fee covers two attendees from the organization. The aim is to have one policy and one technical attendee.
The registration fee for additional person from an organization is US$ 600 EACH. A registration form for an additional person will be sent upon request.
How would you like to pay?
__ Credit card:
__ Mastercard __ Visa __ American Express
Credit Card Number: _____________________ Expiration Date: _____________________ Name on Card: _____________________
Do we have your authorization to charge the indicated total against your card number? (Type YES or Sign)
__ Bank Transfer:
Send to: Riggs Bank of Virginia Bank ABA no. 056001260 8315 Lee Highway Account: Internet Society 148-387-10 Fairfax VA 22031 USA
Please indicate your family name, IIOC, and your organization
__ Money Order or Personal Cheque.
SEND THIS COMPLETED TEMPLATE TO: <ops-register@linus.isoc.org> or
POST THIS COMPLETED TEMPLATE TO: Internet Society 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 270 Reston VA 22091 USA
Hotel Registration ------------------ Sheraton Harbor Island 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego CA 92101 USA
1. Contact the hotel registration directly using their reservation line: +1 619 692-2265 or fax: +1 619 692-2363 2. Indicate you are attending the Internet Society International Conference on Internet Operations. 3. Single or double occupancy rooms are $130 per night. 4. Most popular forms of payment are accepted for reservations.
Space is limited for this conference. Register soon.
Thank you.
----- End Included Message -----

However, from April 10 to April 13, Internet Spring 95 will be held in San Jose. A lot of ISPs probably will be in SJ. Either the conference date has to be changed or be moved to SJ. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for ISPs to attend both, which are held at the same time, but differnet locations. Hong Chen 408-257-0900 (tel) hchen@aimnet.com 408-257-5452 (fax) On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Elise Gerich wrote:
At the NANOG meeting in Boulder, we decided to discuss the date and location of the next meeting on line.
Enclosed is the announcment of the IISP which has offered to host the next NANOG meeting in San Diego on April 10, 1995. Please send email to the list indicating whether this would be a good date for the next meeting, and if you would consider attending then.
If this is not a good time/place, please make recommendations to the list or to me privately as to an alternate date/place.
Thanks. --Elise
----- Begin Included Message -----
From @snoopy.isoc.org:amr@linus.isoc.org Wed Feb 22 10:20:18 1995 Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 13:11:23 -0500 To: isoc-trustees@linus.isoc.org, isoc-advisory-council@linus.isoc.org From: Tony Rutkowski <amr@linus.isoc.org> Subject: IISP Congress Cc: ops-exec@linus.isoc.org
======================================================================= 22 Feb 1994
This worldwide congress is being jointly hosted by the Internet Society, the Commercial Internet Exchange (CIX), and FARNET, Inc., in cooperation with other organizations to allow Internet Service Providers and Network Information Center administrators to identify and explore shared problems and a broad range of alternatives in Internet provisioning and administration. For the purposes of this congress, a service provider is regarded as any entity that itself has an Internet transport capability which it provides to others.
The objective of the congress is to promote a discussion framework for future meetings and activities that may occur among the interested parties, as well as some initial convergences on major issues. It is not intended to displace existing operations engineering forums.
The congress is proceeding via its programme committee to focus on key topic areas, earmarking individuals to develop both an overview of the area, as well as range of views on possible alternatives. Discussants and rapporteurs will be named for each session, and conference report will be widely available. This report is expected to constitute a continuing and growing set of materials to assure the continued global scaling, universal connectivity, and effective operation of the Internet.
In light of the importance of this congress, the complexity of the issues, and the need for a robust exchange of views, the aim is to strongly encourage one key policy and one key technical attendee from each provider or NIC organization. Space constraints may limit the number of participants.
The congress co-chairs are Scott Bradner (Internet Society and Harvard), Bob Collet (Commercial Internet Exchange and Sprint), and Jim Williams (FARNet).
The congress home page is: http://www.isoc.org/iisp/iisp-home.html and will provide continually updated information on the congress.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Template
Organization: ___________________________
Internet Service Provider: __ Yes __ No Network Administrative Center (e.g., NIC): __ Yes __ No Other (type ______________): __ Yes __ No
Provider policy rep ---------------------
Family Name: ___________________________
First Name: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________
Street Address: ___________________________
City: ___________________________
State or Province: _________
Postal Code: _________
Country: ________________________
Email: ___________________________
Fax: ___________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
Preferred Badge Name: _______________________________
Service provider technical rep ------------------------
Family Name: ___________________________
First Name: ___________________________
Title: ___________________________
Street Address: ___________________________
City: ___________________________
State or Province: _________
Postal Code: _________
Country: ________________________
Email: ___________________________
Fax: ___________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
Preferred Badge Name: _______________________________
The registration fee for an organization is US$ 600. This fee covers two attendees from the organization. The aim is to have one policy and one technical attendee.
The registration fee for additional person from an organization is US$ 600 EACH. A registration form for an additional person will be sent upon request.
How would you like to pay?
__ Credit card:
__ Mastercard __ Visa __ American Express
Credit Card Number: _____________________ Expiration Date: _____________________ Name on Card: _____________________
Do we have your authorization to charge the indicated total against your card number? (Type YES or Sign)
__ Bank Transfer:
Send to: Riggs Bank of Virginia Bank ABA no. 056001260 8315 Lee Highway Account: Internet Society 148-387-10 Fairfax VA 22031 USA
Please indicate your family name, IIOC, and your organization
__ Money Order or Personal Cheque.
SEND THIS COMPLETED TEMPLATE TO: <ops-register@linus.isoc.org> or
POST THIS COMPLETED TEMPLATE TO: Internet Society 12020 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 270 Reston VA 22091 USA
Hotel Registration ------------------ Sheraton Harbor Island 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego CA 92101 USA
1. Contact the hotel registration directly using their reservation line: +1 619 692-2265 or fax: +1 619 692-2363 2. Indicate you are attending the Internet Society International Conference on Internet Operations. 3. Single or double occupancy rooms are $130 per night. 4. Most popular forms of payment are accepted for reservations.
Space is limited for this conference. Register soon.
Thank you.
----- End Included Message -----

In message <199502222300.SAA12080@home.merit.edu>, Elise Gerich writes:
At the NANOG meeting in Boulder, we decided to discuss the date and location of the next meeting on line.
Enclosed is the announcment of the IISP which has offered to host the next NANOG meeting in San Diego on April 10, 1995. Please send email to the list indicating whether this would be a good date for the next meeting, and if you would consider attending then.
If this is not a good time/place, please make recommendations to the list or to me privately as to an alternate date/place.
Thanks. --Elise [ ... ]
The registration fee for an organization is US$ 600. This fee covers two attendees from the organization. The aim is to have one policy and one technical attendee.
The registration fee for additional person from an organization is US$ 600 EACH. A registration form for an additional person will be sent upon request.
They offered to host this. That's awfully generous of them. Does anyone remember how much Merit and NCAR charge for NANOG meetings? IISP must be serving very good cookies. :-) Curtis

Elise Well, I sure wish this meeting was some other week rather than right after IETF. But, since I'll be at it, lets have the NANOG meeting the Thur or Thur/Fri after it (13/14 Apr.) Since it will only have been two months since the last, maybe we can fit all that's needed into just a full Thur. paul +++++++++++++++++++++++ E. Paul Love voice 802 254-9087 5 Whipple St. fax 802 254-5783 Brattleboro epl@sdsc.edu VT 05301
participants (4)
Curtis Villamizar
Elise Gerich
Hong Chen
Paul Love