Re: How low can Worldcom stock go?

Check out an earlier case of worldcom long distance resale sending out bills they can't collect. "Ring of Thieves" by Neil Weinberg, 06.10.02 Ring of Thieves by Neil Weinberg A former MCI billings manager sits in a federal prison, convicted of crimes he said he learned to commit while working for his former employer. this one resulted in 600 million write off in 2000
I have a $132,000 bill for an $4k/mon oc3 that was installed less than a year ago.
I have a $77,000 bill for UUNet bandwidth -- one months billing, according to them -- for a 9meg ds3.
On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Bill Woodcock wrote:
> Remember, this is just the beginning. Do you remember you WCOM bills for > services that you had canceled years ago? That will come out as well...
Heh, just today, I received a bill from WorldCom for $75,097.30, for nothing in particular, that I can discern, which they claim to have been the unpaid accumulation of some monthly service from May, 1999 through the present. Um, yeah, right. :-)
-- Alex Rubenstein, AR97, K2AHR,, latency, Al Reuben -- -- Net Access Corporation, 800-NET-ME-36, --
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Gordon Cook