We just had the same problem with ANS. It took them almost two weeks to address the issue. They even told me that it was fixed several time, even though it had not been. Drake Harvey Manager, Internet Technologies DPNet.Net dharvey@dataplace.net Is it unreasonable of me to think it's awfully backwards of ANS.NET to require anyone getting a new CIDR block to physically call ANS's NOC and say "please listen to routes for this block from this AS"? First they told me "we don't trust BGP, so we use the various routing registries to build our routing tables." So I got our new block and our AS in radb.ra.net. A few days (and an ANS routing table update or two) go by, and still we have no connectivity to ANS. Then I get an email from them asking me to please call thier NOC to verify that they really should listen to our route. Isn't the point of BGP that you don't have to manually take care of routing updates? Are there other backbones I need to call to make sure they see our routes? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | This space reserved for routing Network Administrator | update confirmations. Florida Digital Turnpike | ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____
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