There are anyone up there from GVT Brazil who are able to contact me inbox? Having some issues to hire a fixed phone number plan to a customer. Cheers, Douglas S. Oliveira Eletel Telecom +55 19 9 8182-8816 +55 19 9 9915-0538

Hi, Based on the phone numbers you provided (+55) you are in Brazil. I'm pretty sure nobody from the telephony departament of a big telco will step up and try to help will. In fact, by the company policies, they are forbidden to provide help outside the company offical channels. Probably your e-mail is motivated as an act of despair. You must do it through the official channels. First, register a formal complaint through the GVT call center. Then pick up the protocol number and present it to ANATEL, the government agency that controls telecommunications. ANATEL cannot act if you don't provide them the protocol number of your complain already registered at GVT. If you complaint is valid and if the company exceeded the max number of days to complete an instalation or the service is malfunctioning ANATEL will give the company more 5 days to fix the problem or the company will be fined. As soon as they get warned by the goverment agency you filed a official complain the'll you contact you really willing to fix the issue to not get the fine. Just follow these instructions: http://www.anatel.gov.br/consumidor/saiba-como-reclamar-de-sua-operadora (pt-br_. Best regards, Kurt Kraut 2014-07-03 13:10 GMT-03:00 Oliver Doug <oliverdouglas@programmer.net>:
There are anyone up there from GVT Brazil who are able to contact me inbox? Having some issues to hire a fixed phone number plan to a customer.
Douglas S. Oliveira Eletel Telecom +55 19 9 8182-8816 +55 19 9 9915-0538
participants (2)
Kurt Kraut
Oliver Doug