Colleagues thought it would be useful to send this to few lists who have interest in doing / extending their business in Middle East. Looking forward to see you all in Riyadh! Mehmet Akcin / MENOG Programme Committee Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 10 - 14 April 2010 http://www.menog.net Call for Papers The MENOG Programme Committee is now seeking contributions to the programme for MENOG 6. We would like to invite people to submit their presentation proposals as soon as possible to help us produce the programme in a timely fashion. We would also like to encourage people through out the Middle East region who have not previously presented their work to do so. We are looking for people who would : * Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic; and/or * Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker. * Share their local experience with any of the fields of interest for MENOG. Presentation proposals can be submitted at: http://submission.menog.net/paper/user/login.php?event=23 MENOG 6 FORMAT -------------- MENOG 6 will run for 5 days, and will include 3 days of hands-on technical workshops, followed by Opening and Closing Plenaries, several Technical Conference sessions including updates from the RIPE NCC, as well half a day of tutorials. Workshop 10th-12th Tutorials 13th (morning) Conference 13th (afternoon) and 14th CONFERENCE MILESTONES --------------------- Call for Papers Opens: now Deadline for Speaker Submissions: 15th March 2010 Final Slides: 10th April 2010 Final Programme Published: 22nd March 2010 TECHNICAL CONFERENCE -------------------- Each Technical session in MENOG will last 90 minutes - multiple sessions can be cover one subject area if there is demand. A 90 minute session allows presentations to be up to 25 minutes in length, meaning 3 presentations per session and some time for Q&A. Longer presentations should be submitted as tutorials. The Technical Conference commences after lunchtime on the 13th of April. Expected subject areas for MENOG 6 include: 1. HTTP and Non-HTTP Content Filtering; Anti-spam 2 Internationalised Domain Names (IDN) and Localisation 3. NREN (National Research and Education Networks) 4. ISP Operations, Peering and Internet Exchange Points 5. SP Network Security 6. IPv4 depletion/IPv6 deployment 7. Datacentres, Applications & Services 8. VSAT technologies TUTORIALS ---------- Tutorials are 90 minute technical presentations which focus on a particular subject in-depth. Tutorials will take place on the morning of the 13th of April. Tutorial Instructors are encouraged to also sign up to be a Speaker in the Technical Conference Programme as well. You can sign up to give a tutorial and/or conference session presentation by following the instructions at the end of this message for signing up as a speaker or instructor. Examples of Tutorial topics might be: - Network security, IPSec, Auditing/Forensics, DDoS Mitigation - Routing, Network Design, BGP - IPv6 deployment - IDN, Localisation - Content filtering & anti-spam - Network planning, management and traffic engineering - Internet exchanges, construction, peering and collocation - Operations, NOC, Helpdesk and other support aspects - DNS and DNSSEC If you have an idea for a tutorial subject that is not listed, please feel free to submit it to us. CFP SUBMISSION -------------- When considering a presentation or tutorial, remember that the MENOG audience is mainly comprised of technical network operators and engineers with a wide range of experience levels from beginners to multi-year experience. There is a strong orientation to offer core skills and basic knowledge in the tutorials and to address issues relevant to the day-to-day operations of ISPs and network operators over the next 12 - 18 months in the conference sessions. Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be provided with CfP submissions. The Programme Committee cannot consider a presentation proposal without accompanying draft slides. While the majority of speaking slots will be allocated by 15th of March 2010, a limited number of slots may be available after then for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance. IMPORTANT NOTE -------------- MENOG is a TECHNICAL conference so marketing and commercial content is not allowed within the programme. The programme committee will maintain the technical standard of MENOG, and will therefore not accept inappropriate materials. It is expected that the presenter be a technical person and not a sales or marketing person. The audience is extremely technical and expects that the speakers are themselves very knowledgeable. All sessions provide time for questions, so presenters should expect technical questions and be prepared to deliver insightful and technically deep responses. FUNDING AND SUPPORT ------------------- MENOG is a not-for-profit event that is trying to make the conference as close to zero cost as possible for attendees; therefore we are unable to pay the travel costs of speakers. --
participants (1)
Mehmet Akcin