Call For Papers: Peer To Peer in Higher Education Conference

NANOG Members, I'm on the program committe for the Collaberative Computing in Higher Education conference on peer to peer technologies. This conference will immediately follow the Internet 2 Meeting this October in Austin Texas and is open to the public. At this point we are looking for paper and/or presentations on research and development be it in academia or corporate environments. The deadline for submission of an *abstract* is Friday, August 10. If your abstract is accepted you'll have plenty of time to prepare a final paper or presentation for the meeting. If you have any questions please contact me or the two committee chairs listed below. Chris Rapier Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center National Center for Network Engineering --------------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborative Computing in Higher Education: Peer-to-Peer and Beyond Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas. October 4, 11:30 am-5:00 pm October 5, 8:00 am-3:00 pm CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS/PAPERS The Workshop Program Committee is now accepting proposals for presentations and papers. The deadline for submission is August 10, 2001. Areas of focus for presentations/papers: - advantages of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) and distributed computing models for applications in: * teaching and learning * research and science * collaboration and business models - architectural/infrastructure issues - technnical issues and challenges in p2p applications: security, network performance, NATS and firewalls, standards, etc. - ipv6, end-to-end performance and p2p applications - exploration of potential collaborations between universities and P2P application developers: how can universities integrate and perhaps even innovate? - Policy and implications when P2P applications are used in real case scenarios. - Bandwidth issues and maximizing both commodity and Internet2 bandwidth How to Present We ask that the following be sent to both of the program chairs: Ana Preston <> and Linda Roos <> - speaker/presenter name and affiliation, - email address and phone number, - the desired area of focus, - an abstract of no more than 200 words, and - permission to reproduce your presentation, including permission to netcast your session if it's selected for the program and for netcasting. Deadlines Submission deadline August 10, 2001 Notification by August 31, 2001. The Program Committee also welcomes suggestions/recommendations for panels, tutorials, speakers, and other presentation topics. Registration Please note that this workshop requires separate registration from the Internet2 Member Meeting. Please send your suggestions and direct your questions to Ana Preston <> and Linda Roos <> .
participants (1)
Chris Rapier