FYI: Internet gridlock article

"Internet gridlock escalates, ISPs predict autumn Web brownouts" By Stephen Lawson InfoWorld Electric ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hank Nussbacher Manager, Internet Technology Programs Telephone: +972 3 6978852 Vnet: HANK at TELVM1 Fax: +972 3 6978115 Internet: WWW: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IBM Israel 2, Weizmann St. Tel Aviv 61336 ====== ======= === === ====== ======== ==== ==== Dialup registration: 177-022-3993 == == == ==== ==== Company services: 03-6978663 == ====== == === == Internet sales fax: 03-6978115 == == === == = == Enquiries: ====== ======== === === Technical support: ====== ======= === === ----------------------------------------------------------------------

from the article: "Some ISPs, overwhelmed by the volume of traffic, are using reflective routing to reduce their own loads. When traffic destined for another ISP's network arrives at the router, reflective routing does not send the traffic on to the destination ISP but bounces it back where it came from, further complicating the work of the Internet's routers. " thank-you. into each day a little light(heartedness) must fall, you just made my day. Jeff Young
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 96 16:40:52 UTC From: Hank Nussbacher <> Subject: FYI: Internet gridlock article To: X-Mailer: Chameleon ARM_55, TCP/IP for Windows, NetManage Inc. Message-ID: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Sender: Precedence: bulk Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Content-Length: 1141
"Internet gridlock escalates, ISPs predict autumn Web brownouts"
By Stephen Lawson InfoWorld Electric

from the article:
"Some ISPs, overwhelmed by the volume of traffic, are using reflective routing to reduce their own loads. When traffic destined for another ISP's network arrives at the router, reflective routing does not send the traffic on to the destination ISP but bounces it back where it came from, further complicating the work of the Internet's routers. "
into each day a little light(heartedness) must fall, you just made my day.
Jeff Young
Hmm... Where on CIO is the IOS w/ reflective routing? :) Avi
participants (3)
Avi Freedman
Hank Nussbacher
Jeff Young