I'm trying to find a contact for someone who might know something about the proxies running on Sprint's data network. Basically our Android app uses a local http server to serve content to the Android media player, i.e. listening via Unfortunately, a system update that Sprint pushed last week seems to enforce a Sprint proxy (pd.vog.sprintpcs.com:8085) on all HTTP & RTSP traffic... including traffic to, which as you can imagine, predictably fails. The EVO is our most popular Android device amongst our subscribers, and we're rapidly losing subscribers because of this problem. This breaks streaming for many Android apps that have to use a local content server (for a variety of reasons, some for playing encrypted content like ourselves, others who need to maintain backwards compatibility with <2.2 Android which lacked RTSP streaming). I'm running into brick walls so far and hoping that someone in NANOG might know a responsible network engineer at Sprint who could help resolve the issue quickly? cheers, steve -- stephen lau | steve@grommit.com | http://whacked.net | @stevel
participants (1)
Stephen Lau