Yes the page was Hacked but it looks like the Web master for Altavista has fixed the trouble. Jim Bodkin ____________________ Begin Original Message ___________________________ Date: 9/1/97 3:09 PM From: internet!laserlink.net!george (George J. Broadfoot III) Subject: Altavista Hacked ? To: internet!merit.edu!nanog Anyone confirm that Altavista's home page was hacked today ? About 10:30 am EST I went there and found their "usual home page" included in a page that said hello to some hackers and had some small message about the page being hacked. When I got back to checking it at 15:00 EST that page was gone and the "usual Altavista home page" had returned. George J. Broadfoot III VP of Operations Laser Link Network Services, Inc. 610.566.2993 FAX 610.566.9093
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