Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) Taipei, Taiwan 20 - 29 February 2008 http://www.apricot2008.net Summary Call for Papers --------------------- Please submit online at http://submission.apricot.net/paper/user/login.php?event=7 The APRICOT 2008 Program Committee is now seeking contributions to the program. This is the main call for Presentations & Tutorials before the final program is fixed. We would like to give people the opportunity to submit their proposals early and to encourage people in the Asia Pacific region who have not previously presented their work to do so. They key dates are Call for Papers Opens: 1 July 2007 Deadline for Speaker Submissions: 30 September 2007 First Draft Program Published: 15 October 2007 Final Program Published: 15 January 2008 Topics of interest to the network operations community are invited for both tutorial and conference presentation. APRICOT also co-hosts the APNIC members' meeting, Asia Broadband Summit, Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force meeting, as well as the members meeting of Asia Pacific Top Level Domains, making it the largest network operations meeting in the region. The full cfp is at : http://submission.apricot.net/apricot08-cfp.htm You can make your submissions online at : http://submission.apricot.net/paper/user/login.php?event=7 Thanks APRICOT Program Committee
participants (1)
Randy Bush