Re: Survey on the use of IP blacklists for threat mitigation

Yikes. I suppose the old guard will continue to block progressive change. We can do better, folks. -- Zach Rogers Lead Security Analyst Network Security Monitoring Oregon Research & Teaching Security Operations Center (ORTSOC) Phone: 541.737.7723 GPG Fingerprint: ECC5 03A6 7E91 17C6 50C6 8FAC D6A0 8001 2869 BD52 ________________________________________ From: NANOG on behalf of J. Hellenthal via NANOG Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 12:08 PM To: Ryan Landry Cc: NANOG; Rachee Singh Subject: Re: Survey on the use of IP blacklists for threat mitigation Guess we all better start rewriting all of the documentation out there because some PC marketing snowflake wants to get extra brownie points and attention for classifying a color in RGB into a racial divide for which it never originated.blacklists are not always deny/block/disallow and conformed of things that allow you to take actions whatever your choosing upon their contents and your policies.What’s next ? redlisting ? Don’t offend the Russians ... blue ? Don’t want to offend the police ...Leave this crap off the list, it’s not helping anyone.SMH-- J. HellenthalThe fact that there's a highway to Hell but only a stairway to Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.On Jun 16, 2020, at 13:27, Ryan Landry <> wrote:In kind, I'd like to encourage the use of terms like permit/accept list or deny/block list.Respectfully,-RyanOn Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:33 AM Rachee Singh <> wrote:Hi NANOG community,We are a group of researchers studying the use of IP blacklists as a mechanism to mitigate security threats -- particularly over the IPv6 Internet. We would like to understand if and how you use IP blacklists to secure your networks. Please consider taking our short survey: survey will be anonymous unless you choose to identify yourself.Thanks,RacheeUMass Amherst
participants (1)
Rogers, Zachery