I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net: Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services. The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL: http://www.worldnic.com This looks like Network Solutions taking advantage of its position as controller of the big three commercially used TLDs to find new ways to dip their fingers into another part of the pie...perhaps in anticipation of losing their monopoly on domain registrations. What does my ISP need to do to get setup with Network Solutions such that anytime someone wants to modify a domain registered through us, the request is bounced litterally saying "you can't do that, go talk to FDT about it."? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Spammers will be winnuked or Network Administrator | drawn and quartered...whichever Florida Digital Turnpike | is more convenient. ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____

I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services.
The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL:
I got one of those two last night. I wouldn't consider it half as atrocious as it is, though, if it was actually possible to find information about what exactly this worldnic thing is and does on the web site!
This looks like Network Solutions taking advantage of its position as controller of the big three commercially used TLDs to find new ways to dip their fingers into another part of the pie...perhaps in anticipation of losing their monopoly on domain registrations.
Since they are charging $119, which is move than the InterNIC fee, that must be how they 'legalize' it. The normal fee goes to Internic, and Worldnic keeps the rest. (And it's not supposed to matter in some fictitious world that Worldnic and Internic are both Netsol) -Phil

Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 09:32:49 -0400 (EDT) From: Phillip Vandry <vandry@Mlink.NET> Subject: Re: worldnic To: Jon Lewis <jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net> Cc: nanog@merit.edu
I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services.
The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL:
Interesting. www.internic.com is a rip off company in Australia changing $200 to register a name. They send $100 to NSI and keep the other $100. I had a client do this and saw a badly messed up registration record (wrong DNS server and POCs) and fixed them. Then NIS billed for the $100 which had already been sent to Australia. Since my client was a lawyer, a couple of letters got $199 back! This looks like someone else doing the same thing.
I got one of those two last night.
I wouldn't consider it half as atrocious as it is, though, if it was actually possible to find information about what exactly this worldnic thing is and does on the web site!
This looks like Network Solutions taking advantage of its position as controller of the big three commercially used TLDs to find new ways to dip their fingers into another part of the pie...perhaps in anticipation of losing their monopoly on domain registrations.
Since they are charging $119, which is move than the InterNIC fee, that must be how they 'legalize' it. The normal fee goes to Internic, and Worldnic keeps the rest. (And it's not supposed to matter in some fictitious world that Worldnic and Internic are both Netsol)
Dave Nordlund d-nordlund@ukans.edu University of Kansas 785/864-0450 Computing Services FAX 913/864-0485 Lawrence, KS 66045 KANREN

On Thu, Jun 04, 1998 at 10:21:57PM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:
I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts. But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?! Cheers, -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued The Suncoast Freenet "Two words: Darth Doogie." -- Jason Colby, Tampa Bay, Florida on alt.fan.heinlein +1 813 790 7592 Managing Editor, Top Of The Key sports e-zine ------------ http://www.totk.com

Jay R. Ashworth sez:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts.
But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?!
I note you can not even get the FAQ unless you run the Javascript virus.. -- A host is a host from coast to coast.................wb8foz@nrk.com & no one will talk to a host that's close........[v].(301) 56-LINUX Unless the host (that isn't close).........................pob 1433 is busy, hung or dead....................................20915-1433

On Fri, Jun 05, 1998 at 10:37:18AM -0400, David Lesher wrote:
Jay R. Ashworth sez:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts.
But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?!
I note you can not even get the FAQ unless you run the Javascript virus..
Hadn't noticed; not remotely surprised. -- jra -- Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Unsolicited Commercial Emailers Sued The Suncoast Freenet "Two words: Darth Doogie." -- Jason Colby, Tampa Bay, Florida on alt.fan.heinlein +1 813 790 7592 Managing Editor, Top Of The Key sports e-zine ------------ http://www.totk.com

On Fri, Jun 05, 1998 at 11:06:30AM -0400, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts.
But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?!
WorldNIC charges for looking up domains (basically doing a whois) -- some others charge for this too. IIRC. -- Steven J. Sobol - Founding Member, Postmaster/Webmaster, ISP Liaison -- Forum for Responsible & Ethical E-mail (FREE) - Dedicated to education about, and prevention of, Unsolicited Broadcast E-mail (UBE), also known as SPAM. Info: http://www.ybecker.net

At 11:06 6/5/98 -0400, you wrote:
On Thu, Jun 04, 1998 at 10:21:57PM -0400, Jon Lewis wrote:
I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
No, you just don't read the right magazines; they've been advertising this bit o' drivel for months now. They're "repositioning" themselves, I'd say; you see: InterNIC has a bad reputation around these here parts.
But "WorldNIC" doesn't; ain't it great?!
Ah, but is so often the case, the devil is in the details. According to the NSI press releases (you must use the search function at www.netsol.com to find them), WorldNIC is aimed at businesses (although you can also register .net and .org in addition to .com at WorldNIC), not people. For the privilege of using their fast, secure cgi-based registration process, your business pays a premium of $49 (registration docs indicate $119, $70 to InterNIC and $49 for WorldNIC....but their FAQ says $80). Seems that WorldNIC is nothing more than a front-end for InterNIC that provides quick and easy registration for a premium price. Raises some questions...why can't InterNIC use this quick and easy registration process instead of the pain-in-the-&)(& template system? It's the same damn company. The cynical mind has a couple of reasons, but an official answer would be nice. Shouldn't WorldNIC be required to note somewhere they and InterNIC are sister companies under Network Solutions? NSI seems to have gone out of their way to portray the two as very seperate entities, when the truth is quite different (of course, their press releases also fail to mention that they built the domain egistration system with the help, finances and guidance of the USG, so the portrayal is no major surpise). What do spammers and nails have in common? They're both intended for hammering. Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]

Jon Lewis wrote:
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 1998 22:21:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Jon Lewis <jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net> X-Sender: jlewis@tarkin.fdt.net To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: worldnic Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.95.980604221504.723p-100000@tarkin.fdt.net> Sender: owner-nanog@merit.edu
I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com?
From what I know, InterNIC is a service mark owned by NSF. "InterNIC.NET" is *not* owned by NSI or SAIC. I believe "WWW.InterNIC.NET" is the same, and "rs.internic.net" was NSI's (failed?) attempt to say "OK, we wont use www.internic.net for NSI stuff."
Worldnic.* is the deployment and transition from InterNIC, IMHO/guess - in anticipation of some sort of government takeover, contract pulling or what not. If NSI only has InterNIC, and "InterNIC" is decommissioned, NSI is .. well .. SOL. Whereas, if they have WorldNIC, they position themselves as an existing registrar, and have a shoe-in opportunity at maintaining/retaining rights to register domain names. WorldNIC also registers domain names for other TLDs besides COM/NET/ORG/EDU, if you look. I've been hearing bits and pieces from various places at NSI regarding WorldNIC for a while. **IMHO** it's a real mess. I don't see a whole lot of organization with it, and NSI is acting really, really stupid by not making a formal press release regarding deployment of WorldNIC. They seem to do this a lot, though.. deploy something really major and say nothing about it.. and on the other side of the hand they'll do something dumb and send stuff to AP, Newswire, etc.. I don't get it. :(
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services.
That's grammatically incorrect, too :) I love it. I don't think there's one template that NSI/SAIC/InterNIC/WorldNIC/NameOfTheWeek has put out that doesnt have something messed up in it.. :/
The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL:
Also incorrect.. It was registered through InterNIC and is now being managed by WorldNIC, or some such. Gah. How annoying. A lot of people are going to be really confused. If they don't say something soon, they're gonna get people even more ticked off with them. Although, they do (finally) have an 888 number. :) -- jamie rishaw (dal/efnet:gavroche) American Information Systems, Inc. rdm: "Religion is obsolete." gsr: "By what?" jgr: "Solaris." (1996) Tel:312.425.7140, FAX:312.425.7240

At 11:37 6/5/98 -0500, you wrote:
WorldNIC also registers domain names for other TLDs besides COM/NET/ORG/EDU, if you look.
Yup. Through IDNames...owned (remarkably enough) by Network Solutions. Nothing like bundling, eh?
I've been hearing bits and pieces from various places at NSI regarding WorldNIC for a while. **IMHO** it's a real mess. I don't see a whole lot of organization with it, and NSI is acting really, really stupid by not making a formal press release regarding deployment of WorldNIC.
They did, in December 1997. And via their silly "dot com people" advertising. What do spammers and nails have in common? They're both intended for hammering. Dean Robb PC-Easy On-site computer services (757) 495-EASY [3279]

I must not be on enough or the right lists...but what's the deal with worldnic.com? I'd not heard anything about it until today. I tried to move a domain (a .org domain) for a customer today, and got the following reply from domreg@internic.net:
It might be good to bring this up on the Domain Policy mailing list. It might not be exactly correct there, but at least some NSI people read there and they might know what is going on. Maybe they can even tell us something about it. It also happens to be where a lot of flaming of NSI takes place, even though NSI (or is that InterNIC) is hosting the mailing list.
Thank you for contacting Network Solutions, Inc., InterNIC Registration Services.
The domain name you are attempting to update was registered through WorldNIC Services and should be updated via the following URL:
I checked the site, and could not find a way to make an update there. They have a place to register a domain, but if you enter an existing domain name, it merely tells you that you cannot use that one because it already exists.
This looks like Network Solutions taking advantage of its position as controller of the big three commercially used TLDs to find new ways to dip their fingers into another part of the pie...perhaps in anticipation of losing their monopoly on domain registrations.
I'm sure NSI wants to be a player in the domain name game. I'm sure they also want to be the big player.
What does my ISP need to do to get setup with Network Solutions such that anytime someone wants to modify a domain registered through us, the request is bounced litterally saying "you can't do that, go talk to FDT about it."?
I guess you need to become a registrar. You would need to run the shared registry system which would allow you to be a registrar for these TLDs. But I don't see there being all that much difference between being a registrar and simply doing what most ISPs already do and do the registering for a customer via a registrar. Well, I take that back ... I do see a difference ... it may be the case that the registration policies MIGHT be different for each registrar. That will be interesting. Anyway, are domain issues appropriate for NANOG? Certainly most network operators do have to deal with them, but is it actually a network operation issue? I tend to think not. So this all is probably more appropriate for a domains oriented mailing list. -- Phil Howard | die5spam@dumb6ads.net eat1this@spam6mer.edu stop9ads@lame8ads.org phil | stop7543@s2p9a4m3.net eat77me4@dumb8ads.org no6spam8@no99ads7.net at | no09ads0@dumb3ads.edu suck2it1@no0where.edu stop3it7@dumb3ads.org ipal | die3spam@nowhere3.net stop9846@s8p5a2m1.edu a7b8c7d8@no1place.com dot | stop3ads@lame9ads.edu no4way44@anyplace.edu stop8824@noplace9.edu net | eat31me2@dumb8ads.net blow8me9@spam8mer.net suck2it8@no6place.edu
participants (9)
David Lesher
Dean Robb
Jay R. Ashworth
Jon Lewis
Phil Howard
Phillip Vandry
Steve Sobol