How to make setup backup route for windows server

Hi everyone, I need advice on how to best impliment backup routing for windows server. More particularly I have situation where a new server will be placed behind firewall but the server also has 2nd ethernet port which will be connected directly to the router (for that port firewall rules are being entered directly on cisco router). Firewall connection should be the one used for actual traffic unless firewall is down and in that case direct route to the server should be used. The actual ips stay the same (they are on loopback interface on the windows server) so what is necessary is for cisco router to know if firewall is up and if so route that block of ips throuh the firewall and if not, then route it directly to the server through ethernet interface. Now, the firewall itself is actually linux server with its own set of firewall, logging, routing rules, that server is currently not running any routing software. The router is cisco 7500 and its setup with BGP for internet and EIGRP for intranet routing to other routers on our net. I'm thinking the best way to do this maybe to run gated on the linux firewall server and run OSPF on both linux firewall and router. The other problem that still may ned to be solved is default route on windows server (currently I'm thinkin of justing pointing it to interface connected to the router as there would not be any outgoin firewall rules). In addition I will in two weeks need to impliment the same scenario with solaris server being behind firewall with backup connection to router, so it'd good to find universal soltutions. Any suggestions? How are others doing in similar situations? --- William Leibzon Elan Communications Inc.

The actual ips stay the same (they are on loopback interface on the windows server) so what is necessary is for cisco router to know if firewall is up and if so route that block of ips throuh the firewall and if not, then route it directly to the server through ethernet interface.
Are you asking how to configure failover on two NICs in a windows server using a virtual IP? Sorry I can't answer the windows question, but if that is what you are looking for on Solaris. Check this article on jas
participants (2)
Jason Lewis