RE: North America not interested in IP V6

From: Nipper, Arnold [] On Wednesday, July 30, 2003 9:00 AM, Peter Galbavy <> wrote:
Regardless of the content of the above, let me say that with the exception of "the academic community" (including those in commercial orgs) no one in Europe is interested either.
Here at DE-CIX ( I can see that more and more ISP are joining the IPv6 trial ( . Currently already 20% of all ~120 ISP at DE-CIX have IPv6 enabled.
From what I've managed to determine, the problem with fast adoption of IPv6 is not so much the networks, it's more the applications. How many appications arent coded to support IPv6 sockets? The opposite question would be more appropriate. What about apps that use hardcoded data structures/file
AMS-IX (amsterdam IX) is also an active IPv6 internet exchange with around 25-30 IPv6 enable peers (based on my peers and a 'ping ff02::2' :). format that assume IPv4 style addressing? Do any databases support IPv6 as a native datatype? That is the real hurdle. Turning IPv6 on in networks is trivial. Application support is not. And coders dont care about ipv6, just us networking people. BB
participants (1)
Ben Buxton