In article <>, Luke Parrish <lparrish@iamerica.net> wrote:
Hey guys. Ran into a problem the other day. A customer of mine has a 100Mbit network, with 100Mbit hubs. They want ISDN access, so they hook a Pipeline 50 to their hub, dial it up, connect to the internet. But, hey nothing on the network can see it. Doh! I didnt think about the little 10Mbit into 100Mbit hub problem.
Bay makes a Netgear "two-port switch" that's just that, two 10/100 ports. I'm about to get one for a customer with a similar problem. It's something like $269. -- Shields, CrossLink.

I have one of the Bay NetGear switches here at home going between a Catalyst 10Mb switch and a Bay 100Mb hub. It works really well and even talks FullDuplex 10Mb :) On 19 Jan 1998, Michael Shields wrote:
Bay makes a Netgear "two-port switch" that's just that, two 10/100 ports. I'm about to get one for a customer with a similar problem. It's something like $269. -- Shields, CrossLink.
participants (2)
Steve Noble