You've been selling the CIDR drugs, your responsibility was to have come up with one. I think the community needs to have a solution, i can't come up with a unilateral one, and it will take a LONG time to sell a multilateral one. But we've been working on them for some number of months. Hint, think about buying back network numbers. General principal of the US Constitution is that if you take something you give some relief. (I'm not saying this is uniuque to the US btw). Marty
Ref: Your note of Fri, 15 Apr 1994 16:39:45 -0400
We will have to incent (carrot) people to do the right thing...
Would you be so kind as to share with the rest of us what that "right thing" is.
you have no plan...
Would you be so kind as to tell us whether you have a plan ?
Comrades Yakov&Peter

Martin Lee Schoffstall sez:
Hint, think about buying back network numbers.
Just how much did you pay for -your- network numbers? How much are they worth to you? I just might be willing to take you up on your most generous offer. -- Regards, Bill Manning

Date Sent: 15-APR-1994 16:37:59
Just how much did you pay for -your- network numbers? How much are they worth to you? I just might be willing to take you up on your most generous offer.
Getting something for free doesn't make it worthless, as any of my married friends keep telling me. However, the US Government is in no position to take IP numbers back [or away] from the worldwide users of the IP protocol. While "IP IS THE REAL THING", let's not screw it up. I'd tend to take Marty's comments seriously. While we use IP, upgrade the 16Mb Ciscos. After that, work a solution into it and let people keep their numbers foever ala 1-800 numbers. Ehud -- Ehud Gavron (EG76) gavron@Hearts.ACES.COM

think land patents People bought them for $5, and mined $12Billion worth of gold out of them. I can't remember who the person was that bought all the US oil lands in the 19th century for next to nothing because while the oil was known to exist (there) technology did not exist for pumping it from 150 feet. Four years later they had the technology. What you paid vs what they are worth (especially in the future) are not necessarily closely bound. Marty
Martin Lee Schoffstall sez:
Hint, think about buying back network numbers.
Just how much did you pay for -your- network numbers? How much are they worth to you? I just might be willing to take you up on your most generous offer.
-- Regards, Bill Manning

Hint, think about buying back network numbers.
General principal of the US Constitution is that if you take something you give some relief. (I'm not saying this is uniuque to the US btw).
Now I think we are getting in synch. I don't think this is completely unreasonable. And if you charge enough it will help drive an IPng solution thereby voiding the original value. Question? What is the value of something that the govt. granted you at no cost? And do you really "own" it or do you simply own the mineral rights? These are serious issues. And the notions of rents etc. all play into it, especially when you consider things like DHCP leases. cheers, peter P.S. Perhaps this solution will lead to the same checkerboard quilt of land ownership you see between railroads and the U.S. Forest Service? Land grants in cyberspace?
participants (4)
Ehud Gavron
Martin Lee Schoffstall
Peter S. Ford