Urgently need help: Question about Japanese leased line

Dear Operators, I believe this type of leased line service is only in Japan. Does anyone explain the REAL different bwtn DA(digital accesss), DR (ditial Reach) and true leased line called HSD? Better yet NO MORE DA NOR DR!!!!!!!!!! I know from our experience, DA, DR are cheap and always gives us the problem when either sides of leased line goes off, ie power failure. In the past, all I can do is to ask NTT to check the line, needless to say the result comes back with OKAY but with not our supprise-- hey what would I expect from NTT anyhow..., without changing anything, the network comes back normal. Once someone explains in the past that it might be something to do with electric charge in DSU which "lock" circuit and when it is disconnected to check, it will be discharged and back to normal or something like that. Anyone can add this or correct what I have just said. Suggestion in either English or Japanese is accepted. Sincerely urgently yours, Tatsuya かわさき TK3197 = = = = = = Business Network Telecom (BNT) ビジネスネットワークテレコム株式会社 〒111-0053 東京都台東区浅草橋3-8-5 31山京ビル6階 TEL 03-5687-0307 FAX 03-5687-6009 http://www.giganet.net
participants (1)
Tatsuya Kawasaki