To: All users of this server. From: The InterServ Staff Subj: NEWS SERVER CHANGES! NOTE: THIS POSTING IS BEING SENT TO USERS OF THIS NEWS SERVER. IT WILL NOT BE PROPOGATED TO OTHER SERVERS IN THE USENET COMMUNITY. PLEASE DO NOT POST REFERENCE MESSAGES OR "FOLLOWUPS" TO THIS MESSAGE. INSTEAD, EMAIL YOUR RESPONSES TO THE ADDRESS LISTED BELOW. THANK YOU. If you are a member of InterServ or have purchased SPRY's Air Series software, you might spend considerable time on this news server. Because of that, we at InterServ have made every effort to bring you the finest NNTP news service possible. For 18 months, InterServ and Spry have provided you access to over 6000 english-language news groups, 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Until recently, we have made news feeds from Clarinet Communications available to InterServ members and registered Spry customers. In addition, we have made almost all other news groups available to the Internet community at large, as a public service. Unfortunately, times change and so must we. Because we have not yet been able to negotiate reasonable bulk pricing terms with Clarinet Communications, we have been forced to cancel these feeds until further notice. Effective immediately, you will no longer find articles in the CLARI hierarchy on this server. Also, because our public access policy has begun to impact the performance perceived by InterServ members and Spry customers, we must begin restricting access to most groups on this server in mid-January. We hope to bring the AP, UPI and Reuters news feeds back to this server as soon as possible. And of course, we'll continue to provide our members and customers with every english-language distributed USENet news feed we can find, in an uncensored and timely fashion. If you would like to become a NovX/InterServ member, please telephone us at 800-FOR-NOVX. Spry customers have access as well. To purchase Spry's Internet In A Box, Mosaic In A Box, or Air Series software, phone 800-SPRY-NET. To contact our Network Operations Center (NOC), email us at noc@interserv.net. Thank you. -The InterServ Staff
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