SendGate: Sendmail Multiple Vulnerabilities (Race Condition DoS, Memory Jumps, Integer Overflow)

Tech details: Sendmail vulnerabilities were released yesterday. No real public announcements to speak of to the security community. SecuriTeam released some data: "Improper timeout calculation, usage of memory jumps and integer overflows allow attackers to perfom a race condition DoS on sendmail, and may also execute arbitrary code." More here: ISS only reported the Race Condition (DoS?). The Sendmail Advisory reported the Race Condition DoS, the Memory Jumps and a "theoretical" Integer Overflow. To begin with, anyone noticed the memory leak they (Sendmail) silently patched? I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched vulnerabilities are out there? Second, the Integer Overflow is practical, not theoretical. ISS reported the Race Condition last mounth. There is NO data available on when the other vulnerabilities were discovered. Any guesses? They also patched many non-security related bugs, added checks and more informative error messages, etc. Sendmail is, as we know, the most used daemon for SMTP in the world. This is an International Infrastructure vulnerability and should have been treated that way. It wasn't. It was handled not only poorly, but irresponsibly. Here's what ISS releasing the Race Condition vulnerability has to say: They say it's a remote code execution. They say it's a race condition. No real data available to speak of. I can't see how it's remotely exploitable, but well, no details, remember? From what we can see it seems like a DoS. Bottom line ----------- What they did behind the smoke-screen is replace a lot of setjmp() and longjmp() functions (not very secure ones at that) with goto's (interesting choice). They changed the logic of the code, replaced everything that calculated timeout. Anything that calculated something and returned a value now returns a boolean result, when previously they just returned void. They used to look at the content rather than success. The int overflow is possibly exploitable, not very sure about the jumps. No idea why ISS says the Race Condition is, would love insight. Public announcement ------------------- FreeBSD were the only ones who released a public announcement of a patch and emailed it to bugtraq so far. The patches ----------- The FreeBSD patch much like the patch is very long, complicated and obscure. The release was made along with a ton of other patches for FreeBSD. Go figure what's in there.'s patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program. There are also patches available for other *nix systems, no distributions released updates yet. Sendmail's announcement ----------------------- Obscure. Not worth any other comments other than the ones above. CVE information --------------- CVE-2006-0058 (reserved) Commentary ---------- One could say ISS and Sendmail did good, obscuring the information so that the vulnerability-to-exploit time will be longer. That proved wrong, useless and pointless. They failed. After looking at the available data for 30 minutes (more or less), we know exactly what the vulnerabilities are. Exploiting them may not be that trivial if indeed possible, but there are most likely already exploits out there if it is. When will the first public POC be released? Your guess is as good as mine. Not to mention the silently patched memory leak. SMTP and Sendmail by extension are critical for the Internet as an International Infrastructure. If this ends up being exploitable (no details, remember?) both ISS and Sendmail should look good and hard at the coming massive exploitation of Sendmail servers. With issues relating to the Internet Infrastructure I'd be willing to go even with the evil of non-disclosure, as long as something gets done and then reported publically when it finally scaled down in a roll-back after a couple of years. If not, and you are going to make it public, make the effort and fix it as soon as you can, and give information to help the process of healing. Don't do it a mounth late and obscure data. It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth. A mounth! With such Vendor Responsibility, perhaps it is indeed a Good Thing to go Full Disclosure. It seems like history is repeating itself and Full Disclosure is once again not only a choice, but necessary to make vendors become responsible. I wish we could somehow avoid all the guys who will inevitably shout in the press "end of the world". The Internet is, was and will stay havoc. There will be exploitation. Those who care about security will be patched, those that don't will hopefully finally learn a lesson. The Internet won't die because of this, although email may suffer ? but we are used to that by now, even when losing money. I am so very angry the details are obscure and hidden in the way they are, especially as that is useless in this case. Why did they do it, to claim they are ?responsible?? Too late. "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote." - Kosh, Babylon 5. How are they to show open source is reliable if this is how they act? They hurt the cause. If they don't know how to handle something like this, they should ask for help. What, if it's not reported to Microsoft, there is no reason to be ?responsible?? It's like annoying "fake porn" on TV. Either show the nudity and rate the program accordingly or stay suitable for normal viewing. There is no eating the cake and leaving it whole. "Hey mom, what's my root password? I forgot" "Dunno, just use the new sendmail vulnerability!" They should learn from Apache. With such a critical vulnerability I know the Apache guys would not have slept until it is patched! We will update on the situation if required on This text can be found here: Gadi Evron.

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:41:52 CST, Gadi Evron said: (I feel obligated to mention that there's 16 mentions of my name in the Sendmail release notes, and zero of Gadi's. This of course influences my opinions and commentary, and possibly Gadi's as well...)
ISS only reported the Race Condition (DoS?). The Sendmail Advisory reported the Race Condition DoS, the Memory Jumps and a "theoretical" Integer Overflow.
Well, it *is* mostly a theoretical overflow - for it to work, a site would have to: a) Override the default value of "O MaxHeadersLength=32768" to something in the billions *and* b) Be running on a box with enough RAM/swap to allow a call to malloc(2**31) or so to succeed. Then the attacker actually has to (c) *send* some 2 gig of headers. Well, OK. If you can find somebody still running something pre-8.10.0 (2000/03/01), you can bypass (a) - still need (b) and (c) though...
To begin with, anyone noticed the memory leak they (Sendmail) silently patched?
I suspect it's not as silently as you think. If you actually bothered to ask Claus, he'll probably be able to tell you which RELEASE_NOTES entry the leak was attached to, or why it wasn't listed (see below). And it's hard for them to be *too* silent, given that anybody and their pet llama Ralphie can get the 8.13.5 and 8.13.6 sources and diff them. There's also the *practical* aspect. Well over a quarter of the actual code changes were due to the API change of *one* function. You start change-logging all this in the release notes, important things become easier to overlook...
I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched vulnerabilities are out there?
It depends how you define "silently patched vulnerabilities". I've found my share of Sendmail bugs - and 100% of the ones I've reported that ever shipped in a non-beta version are in the RELEASE_NOTES file. (Those bugs others and I swatted in new, as-yet-unshipped code in alpha and beta versions are *not* in there - 8.12's multiple queue support didn't just spring forth essentially bug-free, for instance. Also, bugs found and fixed by Sendmail Inc employees aren't listed - although if reported from outside, they will get a "problem noted by" entry). A bigger problem is that quite often, what gets fixed is a simple *bug* (for instance, two I found in 8.12.2). Are they vulnerabilities? Good question. Some of the "bugs" I've found could possibly be extended into a DoS (for instance, what I *reported* in 8.12.2 was spontaneous queue-runner hangs due to losing a timer event - but that *could* be crafted into a DoS if an attacker found a way to control when things happened to force a timer event loss). So was that a "silently patched vulnerability"? Or just a plain bug?
Second, the Integer Overflow is practical, not theoretical.
You have an actual exploit that works on a config that isn't especially set up to allow it to work (i.e. out of the box defaults, and a non-absurd amount of network traffic)? Or can you at least point out enough details of what the exploit would have to do to convince me it's not just hand-waving? In particular, how do you get past the MaxHeadersLength check?
ISS reported the Race Condition last mounth. There is NO data available on when the other vulnerabilities were discovered. Any guesses?
The code drop for the fix of your "practical integer overflow" happened between the Alpha0 on Dec 23 and Alpha1 on Feb 12. You'll have to ask either Phil Brass or Claus when that one got reported.'s patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program.
I don't know what shipped to's paying customers, but in fact, *did* "re-release the whole program", as a quick check of would have revealed.... And in fact, if you actually *diff* the two trees to create a patch, it's not that large at all: (numbers fudged very slightly to remove the diff of 2 versions of a Postscript documentation file (doc/op/, which by itself was well over half the total changes): % diff -ur sendmail-8.13.[56] | wc -l 5253 % diff -ur sendmail-8.13.? | diffstat | grep change 58 files changed, 1411 insertions(+), 886 deletions(-) % wc sendmail-8.13.6/*/*.[ch] | grep total 122092 394315 2780756 total Yeah. Whatever. Hell of a lot of code churn there. Almost 2%. A very large chunk of it looking like: @@ -4546,10 +4569,12 @@ { if (bitset(MCIF_INHEADER, mci->mci_flags)) { - putline("", mci); + if (!putline("", mci)) + goto writeerr; mci->mci_flags &= ~MCIF_INHEADER; } - putline("<<< No Message Collected >>>", mci); + if (!putline("<<< No Message Collected >>>", mci)) + goto writeerr; goto endofmessage; } (and another 104 similar fixes of putline alone - that *by itself* is about 30% of the code changes). But of course, I'm writing this having actually *looked* at the diff, and having bothered to ask Claus and Greg what the policy was for listing fixes in the release notes... Also, it would help if instead of FUD-mongering, you actually went to Claus (or asked somebody else to) with *specific suggestions* of how to improve the process. He may be stubborn about the way he does things, but if you include specific changes, and show how those changes make *visible* improvements to the product, he'll listen. (visible improvements - saying "It Would Be Nice If" doesn't cut it. On the other hand, replacing the IWBNI with "If X were done, then the security community would be able to do Y, and the network operations community could do Z, with benefits A, B, and C" - now *that* might get some traction...)

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 wrote:
Also, it would help if instead of FUD-mongering, you actually went to Claus (or asked somebody else to) with *specific suggestions* of how to improve the process. He may be stubborn about the way he does things, but if you include specific changes, and show how those changes make *visible* improvements to the product, he'll listen.
(visible improvements - saying "It Would Be Nice If" doesn't cut it. On the other hand, replacing the IWBNI with "If X were done, then the security community would be able to do Y, and the network operations community could do Z, with benefits A, B, and C" - now *that* might get some traction...)
No offense Valdis, you know I both like you and consider you a friend, but if you (sendmail) can't take the heat and/or stand up to the task of being International Infrastructure, step down. This isn't about processes, it's about something that has been around for a while, many reply on and keeps ******* up. Where it simply can't. Gadi.

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:28:16 CST, Gadi Evron said:
No offense Valdis, you know I both like you and consider you a friend, but if you (sendmail) can't take the heat and/or stand up to the task of being International Infrastructure, step down.
Heat we can take. Whining we can't. Did you have a *specific* suggestion as to how it could be done better, or did you just feel the need to flame about how it was handled? Specific things that you did *not* consider, as far as I can tell: 1) You don't, as far as I know, contribute anything to paying the salaries of the people actually doing the coding, and who know the way the code works. This means that a choice has to be made: a) Handle it in a way that doesn't upset the people paying the bills, even if the people who aren't paying the bills don't like it. b) Finding somebody else to pay the bills. c) Dumping it and finding a project that *does* pay the bills, and fix it as a hobby rather than a full-time job. d) Dump it, move on, and let somebody else who doesn't know the code as well do it, possibly worse. So Gadi, what do you suggest we do, keeping in mind that the guy who's actually doing the work needs to pay his rent and buy groceries? 2) You're complaing about the huge size of the patch, *and* the fact it took a month to get it done. If you want it faster, you can either have less bugs fixed, or less testing. Choose one. (Also, 2% code churn between releases is *nothing*. Take a look at the Linux kernel sometime - it has a *far* higher churn rate between releases that Linus is trying to keep on a 3-month schedule....) Steve Bellovin is right - these asynchronous events are a *pain* to debug, because the human brain doesn't deal with race conditions very well. I mentioned a timer event issue in a previous note - that one took Claus and I a good *six months* to debug and understand, and resulted in all of 3 or 4 lines of code. It was one that was not reproducible on command, only tripped a few times a month, and by its nature never left any really useful state wreckage behind. Trying to attach a debugger or adding debugging instrumentation to the code would change the timing, and as a result scare the bug back into hiding... Yes, it could potentially have been

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 19:28:16 -0600 (CST) From: Gadi Evron <> Subject: Re: SendGate: Sendmail Multiple Vulnerabilities (Race Condition DoS, Memory Jumps, Integer Overflow)
[ ... ] No offense Valdis, you know I both like you and consider you a friend, but if you (sendmail) can't take the heat and/or stand up to the task of being International Infrastructure, step down.
This isn't about processes, it's about something that has been around for a while, many reply on and keeps ******* up. Where it simply can't.
What world do you live in were everything is done perfect ? If you don't like sendmail because of its history or that it can contains flaws, vote with your feet and choose something that you do think can be trusted to do a better job, is more secure, is more actively developed and is developed more securely then sendmail. [*] Heck, if I were to have kids one day and would like them to get to school safely by car, I'd like to have something short of a tank to be absolutely certain. Instead I'll probably make them aware of the risks, give them good protection and bicyle helmets... Now if I were a head of state or something, I'd probably have people to get me that tank... Note the "have people"...
Regards, JP Velders [*] it happened with versus OpenSSH... (though the license played a role, people did vote with their feet)

On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 13:30 +0100, JP Velders wrote: [..]
This isn't about processes, it's about something that has been around for a while, many reply on and keeps ******* up. Where it simply can't.
What world do you live in were everything is done perfect ? If you don't like sendmail because of its history or that it can contains flaws, vote with your feet and choose something that you do think can be trusted to do a better job, is more secure, is more actively developed and is developed more securely then sendmail. [*]
Indeed, and it is is not like there are no alternatives and of course one can always roll it's own ;) And one even didn't have to pay for it, but complaining, and not helping out by providing patches or research is always the easy way out. /me chose postfix btw, but mostly also because the config is much simpler ;) Rolling my own would also be an option, the ones out there work fine already and so what that they have bugs, no way that one can code bugfree, just make sure that you can upgrade in time.
Heck, if I were to have kids one day and would like them to get to school safely by car, I'd like to have something short of a tank to be absolutely certain. Instead I'll probably make them aware of the risks, give them good protection and bicyle helmets... Now if I were a head of state or something, I'd probably have people to get me that tank... Note the "have people"...
I guess you mean something like a 400.000 EUR tractor (vendor-C term): The thing is, that might help for the collision case or a small bomb, but one can still walk up to the guy when he gets out and shoot him directly in the head or try to cut it off as has been demonstrated twice before in that country. Bit futile thus to protect yourself with such spendings when it doesn't cover the obvious cases. Analogous, starting over using a new product might introduce other security risks and of course never forget the migration path which in larger installs includes training and upgrades, problem shooting and then finding out that new bugs exist in the new code. Even the folks who moved over from to OpenSSH have found out that they had to upgrade a large number of times, some times even with very troublesome vulnerabilities, in the end causing most people to rate-limit port 22 or to move it to another port altogether because of the automated scanning happening. Greets, Jeroen (Fortunately it was not my tax money that bought that tractor :)

I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched vulnerabilities are out there?
You seem to be inferring that it is a bad thing to silently patch bugs which may have security implications. The OpenBSD team makes a habit of auditing software for flaws and fixing them without waiting to find out whether they create actual security vulnerabilities. They consider this to be a GOOD thing. I think that people who use software also consider it to be good for software flaws to be fixed as quickly as possible. Inevitably, this means that if the DEVELOPERS discover a flaw, they will fix it before they tell anyone about it. The reason that security researchers publish bulletins about security flaws is because they are unable to fix them either due to lack of skill, or more commonly, they just don't have permission to commit changes to the source code. Network operators are users of software and not developers, therefore most network operators are happy when flaws are fixed early and often. --Michael Dillon wrote:
I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched vulnerabilities are out there?
You seem to be inferring that it is a bad thing to silently patch bugs which may have security implications. The OpenBSD
Full disclosure, we believe in it.
team makes a habit of auditing software for flaws and fixing them without waiting to find out whether they create actual security vulnerabilities. They consider this to be a GOOD thing.
It is a good thing.
I think that people who use software also consider it to be good for software flaws to be fixed as quickly as possible. Inevitably, this means that if the DEVELOPERS discover a flaw, they will fix it before they tell anyone about it. The reason that security researchers publish bulletins about security flaws is because they are unable to fix them either due to lack of skill, or more commonly, they just don't have permission to commit changes to the source code.
Network operators are users of software and not developers, therefore most network operators are happy when flaws are fixed early and often.
I wonder if the same network operators will be happy about potentially millions of compromised sendmail servers globally.

Hi, My only big issue with all of this is that a lot of us are depending on sendmail and its developer to keep it bug free... But who are we to ask them to be accountable to us? What are we paying them for it? What make us so special that to command them, or whinne about it when its not as perfect as ones mind think things should be? We should praise them and accept whatever scrap they send us. Because at the end of the day, sendmail, its staff, and other contributor saves our butts. (time to go put on my fireproof jammies) Gadi Evron wrote: wrote:
I wonder how many other unreported silently-patched vulnerabilities are out there?
You seem to be inferring that it is a bad thing to silently patch bugs which may have security implications. The OpenBSD
Full disclosure, we believe in it.
team makes a habit of auditing software for flaws and fixing them without waiting to find out whether they create actual security vulnerabilities. They consider this to be a GOOD thing.
It is a good thing.
I think that people who use software also consider it to be good for software flaws to be fixed as quickly as possible. Inevitably, this means that if the DEVELOPERS discover a flaw, they will fix it before they tell anyone about it. The reason that security researchers publish bulletins about security flaws is because they are unable to fix them either due to lack of skill, or more commonly, they just don't have permission to commit changes to the source code.
Network operators are users of software and not developers, therefore most network operators are happy when flaws are fixed early and often.
I wonder if the same network operators will be happy about potentially millions of compromised sendmail servers globally.
-- Alain Hebert PubNIX Inc. P.O. Box 175 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T7 tel 514-990-5911 fax 514-990-9443

Randy Bush wrote:
Gadi Evron wrote: wrote:
(time to go put on my fireproof jammies)
or your .procmailrc
/usr/local/etc/procmailrc in my case. ( but not in production (; ) -- Alain Hebert PubNIX Inc. P.O. Box 175 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 5T7 tel 514-990-5911 fax 514-990-9443

You seem to be inferring that it is a bad thing to silently patch bugs which may have security implications. The OpenBSD
Full disclosure, we believe in it.
That's why OpenBSD and other projects publish the full source code. That is full disclosure.
I wonder if the same network operators will be happy about potentially millions of compromised sendmail servers globally.
The world of the network operator is a world of defending against other people with malicious or broken software. This sendmail issue is nothing new. Network operators would love to be able to influence other people's behavior in a positive way, but history has shown that this meets with little success and is less effective than strengthening defenses. --Michael Dillon

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:39:11 +0200, Gadi Evron <> wrote: wrote:
Well, it *is* mostly a theoretical overflow - for it to work, a site would have to:
Exploit is out there. How long did that take?
Is the exploit actually effective in the wild? The conditions Valdis spoke of are improbable -- are there actually vulnerable sites? Or is the attack much easier than he had indicated? --Steven M. Bellovin,

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:39:11 +0200, Gadi Evron <> wrote: wrote:
Well, it *is* mostly a theoretical overflow - for it to work, a site would have to:
Exploit is out there. How long did that take?
Is the exploit actually effective in the wild? The conditions Valdis spoke of are improbable -- are there actually vulnerable sites? Or is the attack much easier than he had indicated?
There are two exploit code samples I saw. There are two remote exploits for one of them so far that are public that I know of. I haven't seen any exploited sites yet.

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 18:00:41 +0200, Gadi Evron said:
There are two exploit code samples I saw. There are two remote exploits for one of them so far that are public that I know of.
There's exploits for the race condition. I was *specifically* talking about the integer overflow, which looks pretty damned hard to exploit unless the victim site deliberately recompiled their sendmail binary with a very sub-optimum configuration. But then, you'd know that if you either actually *looked* at what I wrote, or looked at the diff of the 8.13.[56] trees.

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 00:57:31 EST, "Steven M. Bellovin" said:
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:39:11 +0200, Gadi Evron <> wrote: wrote:
Well, it *is* mostly a theoretical overflow - for it to work, a site woul
d have to:
Exploit is out there. How long did that take?
Is the exploit actually effective in the wild? The conditions Valdis spoke of are improbable -- are there actually vulnerable sites? Or is the attack much easier than he had indicated?
The race condition is easily winnable in the wild. The integer overflow is essentially unexploitable in the wild, as it involves *two* buffers, one of which is a compile-time constant bigger than the other. The compile time constant is 1024 by default. To trigger the overflow, the first buffer has to be *under* 2G (2**31) in size, and the second is (by default) 1024 bigger and *over* 2**31 in size. At this point, the attacker has sent 2 gigabytes of data over the wire, and the victim has grown a buffer by 1024 bytes, copied, grown, copied, grown, copied, a total of 2,097,152 or so times. Oh, and you need to fit those almost 2G buffers, *plus* 500K or so of Sendmail binary, in 1 4 gigabyte address space. That's if you're on a 32-bit machine. Oh dear, you seem to be about 497K short. At least. I suppose some idiot site *could* have recompiled their sendmail to allocate in 8 megabyte chunks rather than 1K. But performance would suck eggs. Oh, and on a 64-bit machine, it's not any better. You *still* have to fit 2 buffers plus the 500K in under the 2**64 line. And you need to send that much data too.

On March 23, 2006 01:41 am, Gadi Evron wrote:
Here's what ISS releasing the Race Condition vulnerability has to say: They say it's a remote code execution. They say it's a race condition. No real data available to speak of. I can't see how it's remotely exploitable, but well, no details, remember? From what we can see it seems like a DoS.
ISS's Mark Dowd is very clever guy. And if duke says it's exploitable I would believe him :-). It's an interesting new vector anyway. But like all timing related attacks, the question is reliability. Though gossip has it, this one is repeatable with sub-100 attempts and you get infinite shots at it because even if the process does die it's a child of the parent listener. (So it is not really a DoS per se in any case.)
Bottom line ----------- What they did behind the smoke-screen is replace a lot of setjmp() and longjmp() functions (not very secure ones at that) with goto's (interesting choice).
Smoke screen seems like unfarily loaded terminology to use. OpenBSD fixed (removed) many setjmp/longjmp functions in their tree a long time ago as a class of bugs. (Though this sendmail exploitable collecttimeout() longjmp one is new and they patched it yesterday with everyone else, because as you noted, replacing it was kinda hairy...) I don't think its fair to bitch about people fixing bugs and then not having the time to send out advisories for every little tweak. The important thing is to fix the bug. And often times the developer won't understand the real impact of fixing a bug until someone clever like Mark comes up with some innovative way to exploit an "unexploitable" bug like this one. What will be interesting to see when the PoC exploits are finally released, is if any of the memory/stack protection schemes mitigate it. <humor> Besides, there is only one true mailer to mail them all, and its name is Postfix. </humor> Now if we could only convince Mr. Venema to switch to a BSD license _everyone_ would switch to Postfix and everything would be much better. If it weren't for that "poison pill" clause in its license, I'm sure most OSes and commercial systems would have swapped out Sendmail for Postfix long ago. cheers, --dr -- World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques Vancouver, Canada April 3-7 2006 pgpkey kyxpgp

On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:41:52 -0600 (CST), Gadi Evron <> wrote:
It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth.
A mounth!
With such Vendor Responsibility, perhaps it is indeed a Good Thing to go Full Disclosure. It seems like history is repeating itself and Full Disclosure is once again not only a choice, but necessary to make vendors become responsible.
Given the scope of the changes you describe -- you wrote "'s patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program." -- I can't get upset at taking a month to fix it. You're dealing with asynchronous events, which are really hard to start with. I suspect that they spent some time deciding how to fix it -- you don't appear thrilled with their choice, but I don't know what other options they considered -- and then actually tested the new code. Given how many of our security problems are due to buggy and inadequately-tested code, I suspect that taking a month was actually being quite responsible. --Steven M. Bellovin,

On March 23, 2006 06:08 pm, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:41:52 -0600 (CST), Gadi Evron <>
It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth.
A mounth!
Given the scope of the changes you describe -- you wrote "'s patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program." -- I can't get upset at taking a month to fix it. You're dealing with asynchronous events, which are really hard to start with. I suspect that they spent some time deciding how to fix it -- you don't appear thrilled with their choice, but I don't know what other options they considered -- and then actually tested the new code. Given how many of our security problems are due to buggy and inadequately-tested code, I suspect that taking a month was actually being quite responsible.
Hey I'm the first guy to line up to knock Sendmail a.k.a. the pit of infinite flaws... but lets not beat people up who don't deserve it. My understanding of it was they found out from ISS and fixed it ASAP. (I'm sure they read this list, maybe they would care to comment) They took two weeks to update their customers and released it to CERT who was supposed to take two weeks - starting three days ago... but something happened (as it always does :) and it was sent out prematurely - widely. Hence again some people got caught off guard. I'm increasingly forming the opinion that waiting for patches on disclosure actually does harm. (Though I conceed that this is a religious issue likely never to be resolved.) Responsible disclosure may in fact be immediate disclosure so that people can measure impact without waiting for the inevitable vague wordings. That way we can take any countermeasures possible immediately - rather than being vulnerable in the silence while "special" people know. Resulting in not doing anything or being increasingly watchful as would be warranted. If you know your mailserver is vulnerable but you can't fix it you can always start to watch it like a hawk - if you know. I guess it depends on your security posture. If you are agressive on security you want information dispersed as widely as possible. If you are putting in minimal effort, then the less people know the better it is for you. Though only time will tell, I would also bet that this is not the last sendmail signal handler issue we will see... at least until the more Postfix-like commercial-only next version comes out... and then we will have a brand new code base full of untested code to deal with. And since its taken a few decades to stabilize Sendmail up to _this_ point.... I'll just hug my Postfix code and resolve to buy Mr. Venema beer at the first available opportunity :). cheers, --dr P.s. I still maintain that the right solution is to convince IBM to tweak the Postfix license so those who absolutely need fully open source can use it instead. I've personally audited a lot of that code and know how incredibly robust, nee paranoid it is. :-). Because when Sendmail X comes out the open source folks will have a big issue to deal with. -- World Security Pros. Cutting Edge Training, Tools, and Techniques Vancouver, Canada April 3-7 2006 pgpkey kyxpgp

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 03:41:52 -0600 (CST), Gadi Evron <> wrote:
It took Sendmail a mounth to fix this. A mounth.
A mounth!
With such Vendor Responsibility, perhaps it is indeed a Good Thing to go Full Disclosure. It seems like history is repeating itself and Full Disclosure is once again not only a choice, but necessary to make vendors become responsible.
Given the scope of the changes you describe -- you wrote "'s patch is so big they may as well have re-released the whole program." -- I can't get upset at taking a month to fix it. You're dealing with asynchronous events, which are really hard to start with. I suspect that they spent some time deciding how to fix it -- you don't appear thrilled with their choice, but I don't know what other options they considered -- and then actually tested the new code. Given how many of our security problems are due to buggy and inadequately-tested code, I suspect that taking a month was actually being quite responsible.
I'd usually agree, compared to a year and a half with Microsoft or 3 years with Oracle. The point here, though, if that the patch was released almost with no notification _to_the_security_community_ (bugtraq, fd, etc.). It was obfuscated (open source, funny notion) and released. Exploits are already out there. When you are critical infrastructure, you have higher responsibility. You either practice non-disclosure and patch your users over-time, then disclose, or simply disclose. It depends on needs and/or how responsive the vendor is. One can't have it both ways, unfortunately. Gadi.
participants (9)
Alain Hebert
Dragos Ruiu
Gadi Evron
Jeroen Massar
JP Velders
Randy Bush
Steven M. Bellovin